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aquarius man and scorpio woman



Scorpio Woman - Aquarius Man

When the Aquarius man helplessly plunges into the Water element of the Scorpio woman, because she has enchanted him with the secrets of her "depths", he cannot help but wonder that he really wants to be surrounded by this amazing green world of romantic unknown, where he never knows whether he will find countless treasures or step on a stingray. Besides, what if he does not find his way home?

The depths of the Scorpio ocean are always mobile, changeable, deceptive.

Besides, he really wants to know what is happening there, on the surface of the ocean and on land.

After all, water is not his element.

However, the Aquarius man, even if he has managed to get along with this world around them, may sooner or later find that his patience is running out.

Scorpios tend to be possessive in love, and Aquarians simply do not want to be owned for long. Still, if he really cares for his intriguing, magnetic girl, he will soon realize that being owned is better than not being owned, and that he will offend her by demanding too much freedom.

Then she will stop interesting himself in where and what he is doing, and may even act as if he were dead. There is no point in knocking on the door, calling her on the phone, or writing letters. He is gone.

And she does not communicate with ghosts.

The deep coldness of an angry or wounded Scorpio is hard for Aquarius to bear.

Of course, her icy detachment is probably a pretense, her defense from a greater insult, a way to teach him a memorable lesson.

Sometimes she drives herself into a dead end by the fact that, even feeling that her revenge has gone too far, she can no longer stop or turn back. And here the Aquarius man is simply obliged to help her.

He has an amazing talent for destroying anything: traditions, conventions.

He will be able to lead her out of the dead end, and they will set sail again, this time not forgetting about caution.

Both must learn this lesson.

She will have to understand that he has difficulty handling strong emotions and that self-discipline is not his strength.

And he would do well to never forget that behind this woman's calm exterior there is an emotional volcano, and the heavier her heart is, the more serene her face.

Aquarius never wears masks.

If he is really upset, she will see it right away.

However, even though he may not use a mask to hide his changeable emotions, Aquarius loves to surprise people.

He does not always say what he thinks, and there are several reasons for this.

Sometimes thoughts flash through his head so quickly that he does not even have time to properly catch them, let alone express them. Other times, he wisely refrains because he senses that in a few minutes he will change his mind or opinion.

And other times, he keeps his thoughts to himself because he secretly enjoys seeing her surprise when he unexpectedly says or does something out of the ordinary.

She may complain for weeks about the shabby appearance and poor performance of her car, without receiving a single word of support or sympathy from him, and his distant gaze will show that he does not even hear her. But one fine morning, she will look out the window to see what the weather is like, and overnight, a new car in her favorite color has materialized in the front yard.

When she runs up to hug and thank him, he will pretend he does not know how it got there.

Some call Aquarius crazy, but a Scorpio woman who loves her Aquarius will say that it is complete liberation and freedom of expression that she so lacks. Scorpios lead their personal lives the way they want, refusing to adapt to someone else's ideas of decent behavior. And yet Pluto does not allow her to reveal her true emotions, to express her deepest feelings, while at the same time encouraging her to behave independently and to despise any control over her actions.

The latter quality is one of the reasons for the mutual sympathy of the Eagle and Aquarius.

A man controlled by Uranus also despises the demands of generally accepted morality.

The difference is that everyone knows about his independence, and her independence is usually demonstrated only behind closed doors.

In public, she will grumble about his antics, and when left alone, she will give him an admiring look.

This woman's vengeful need to even the score may manifest itself years after the offense has been inflicted on her, because Scorpio is willing to wait indefinitely for the right opportunity.

Their relationship may not be based on what attracted them to each other when they first met.

More likely, it will be some other connection, a strange and unusual mutual interest, perhaps some common duty or obligation, or work.

She will approve of his humanitarian ideals, but may wish that he would pay more attention to her than to their dissemination.

Gradually, the relationship will reach a higher level of emotionality, and passion will be just around the corner.

He should know that Scorpio sexuality is deep and strong, but does not necessarily lead to promiscuity, as he may have heard.

A Scorpio girl who has been wronged may become involved in casual relationships because she was shocked by the infidelity of a man she loved with all her Soul (or thought she loved).

The typical Scorpio woman treats sex almost like a religion, subconsciously understanding its potential power.

She should know that the Aquarius attitude towards male-female intimacy borders on detached curiosity.

Even after their gradually deepening acquaintance has increased their mutual need for each other and increased their physical attraction, she believes that this man becomes a much better lover when she proves to him that she is his friend in all respects. Aquarius will give himself completely only to a woman whom he can trust completely.

Home life, a summer house, work, their own families, one or all of these are often the basis of either tension or harmony between Aquarius and Scorpio. The struggle for peaceful coexistence will be much easier if their luminaries (Sun and Moon) are in a positive aspect at birth, and much more difficult if in a negative one.

Some Aquarians who are themselves under a certain planetary influence of Scorpio will grumble from time to time, but the typical Aquarius is too much taken up with the obstacle he sees right in front of him to waste his energy in throwing unkind glances over his shoulder.

He is probably happy to give her enough freedom, because he knows the value of it.

Since he is not made of stone, he may sometimes be jealous, but there will always be a good reason for it, whereas hints are enough to arouse her suspicions. She may suffer in vain, because the Aquarius, who can rely on his wife as on his best friend, almost never gives in to flirting out of curiosity after marriage.

However, if he is constantly and unfairly accused of infidelity, he may pretend to have an affair where there is no affair, just to show her that it is not right to take his word of honor more than once.

In the soul of the Scorpio woman there is an immeasurable depth of suppressed desire and emotion.

In the soul of the Aquarius man there is an inexhaustible source of constant excitement and inventive ideas.

And yet, as different as they are, both have self-confidence and a strong will, and therefore they can decide to stick together, for where there is enough will, the wisdom of the heart will always help to find the way to love.
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