aquarius man and virgo woman
Virgo Woman - Aquarius Man
The Aquarius man is in no hurry to take his marriage vows and is capable of running away from the altar, but his eccentricity does not go any further.In some ways, he is even a little old-fashioned.
The Virgo woman will not compete with him in his eccentricities. She will make sure that this madcap wears a clean shirt with all the buttons in place.
She will remind him of the name of his old friend, tell him who his distant relative is who has dropped in from the provinces.
She will become a good mother to his children.
She will share his intellectual interests and tolerate his friends.
Their relationship has the potential for success, but it needs work.
And she will have to work.
She is too polite to simply throw out those strange types that he drags home at the most inopportune time.
I know one Virgo who entertained and occupied a snake charmer from Pakistan for two weeks while her faithful, who had handed over the guest to his wife, trained his python for a world tournament.
Of course, Virgo is not a sex symbol.
However, Aquarius would not know what to do with Rachel Welch if she asked him out on a date.
A Virgo wife is an insurance policy.
Aquarius can make a lot of mistakes - she will sympathize and understand.
She will patiently look after him when he is sick or depressed. It is a terrible temptation to dump all the problems and worries on her.
But we do not advise giving in to temptation. Even a saint will get tired of waiting every evening for his unexpected appearance or opening her arms to him when he deigns to notice her, throwing something like "You are beautiful, baby!"
She would like to live with him in a castle in the air, which his crazy fantasy has built.
(After all, Virgos are not as prim as they write in the old astrological books.)
And he entrusted this woman to wash his socks, because she did not mock his ghostly house.
But then he somehow forgot that he had called her to the heights beyond the clouds.
And she pines by a tub of dirty water, while he soars in the sky.
In truth, half the blame lies on the Virgo herself: she was free to take on all the responsibilities!
She is already wandering with her last strength along the path of duty, she has lost her way in the dense forest of his whims.
She was let down by her excessive loyalty to the man she promised to love, whether the vow was made at the altar or in the shower.
You know how Virgo keeps her promises.
This woman cannot be called a silent victim.
She probably complains and grumbles.
But Aquarius flies so high that you can only shout to him.
Virgo's reproaches can bring Aquarius to his senses, but she should not go too far. If she is too persistent, trying to "ground" his aspirations, a harmless eccentric can turn into a ruthless, quarrelsome dictator (especially if his Moon is in the signs of Aries, Scorpio or Leo).
At every opportunity, he will try to sneak out of the house. Aquarius is an Air sign, and all those born under this sign need air to breathe and soar.
Virgo women are very demanding.
I know one widow who rejected almost three hundred candidates offered to her by a marriage agency.
Can you imagine?
Three hundred men of the most different appearances, with different characters, habits, hobbies.
But I think that Aquarius, with his multifaceted, kaleidoscopic nature, could conquer this overly picky woman.
There is no reason for the physical side of this 6-8 union to disappoint the lovers.
She is unlikely to appreciate all the ups and downs of his wild imagination.
Air is air, earth is earth, and they will not understand each other...
Although who knows... Maybe she will find his madness charming.
In any case, it will be funny.
Perhaps, one of the guises of his changeable sexuality will bring her unexpectedly complete satisfaction.
Aquarius will certainly be interested in the aura of mystery around Virgo, he can guess for years, and this is his favorite pastime.
He should curb his desire for experiments, so as not to offend her ideas of decency: it is possible that she will refuse to make love on the lawn near the house.
Aquarius loves to pick on her, but it would be a mistake to tease her too often. Virgos are not those who hesitate to break up.
They cut out the unnecessary with the icy composure of a surgeon.
They need a constant change of impressions, fresh food for an inquisitive mind.
Virgo will not be satisfied with a couple of routine phrases like "What's for lunch, baby?"
Of course, Virgo has her own shortcomings.
She can be maniacally neat and, instead of admiring the stars on a romantic summer night, she anxiously collects fluff stuck to her clothes. She is shocked by the combination of brown socks with black shoes, which utterly amazes Aquarius, who is above such trifles.
If a gloomy grimace does not leave her face, if she is excessively punctual and fussy - these are bad symptoms. The burden that she has taken on herself is beyond her strength.
A late lunch in a dirty kitchen, an irritated expression during the evening ritual of combing her hair (two hundred strokes of the brush) - these are alarm signals. She is unhappy, she is bored.
That first meeting of theirs, he watched TV, standing on his head and chewing nuts.
Now he stands firmly on the negatives, like any ordinary person.
It's high time to tear Virgo out of the ordinary - book plane tickets to Egypt and fly to the Great Pyramid of Giza to solve its secrets, standing on his head in the royal room or tomb.
aquarius man
virgo woman
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