Someone, somewhere
is made for you...

aquarius man and gemini woman



Gemini Woman — Aquarius Man

Everyone likes spring, but Aries, Aquarius and Gemini find something special, inexplicable, wonderful in it.

The impatient Gemini girl can arrange spring for herself when it seems to her that Nature is late with it.

And she flies to Florida or California, closer to the sun, forcing spring to come earlier.

Long ago, when she was still very little, she learned that there are many magical things that can change life when happiness is too slow, and the secret of most of them is in one thing - in change.

No man will understand her passion for this word as Aquarius. Yes, Taurus, Libra and Gemini men sometimes understand this too, but not completely. Aquarius was born to bring change to the world.

True, with one caveat.

He wants the world and the people around him to change, but not his own position and not his essence. His moods and manners may change, but not the most important thing.

Remember - he is a Fixed sign.

At the very beginning of a romance with a Gemini girl he will happily fly with her everywhere, but later he will not want to turn off his own track.

Of course, the Aquarius rut ​​is always much more interesting than others, but for the Gemini girl, overflowing with ideas and possibilities, a rut is a rut, and there is nothing more depressing for her soaring spirit than the sight of an Aquarius firmly stuck in his rut. However, these manifestations of his constancy (for example, with his place of residence) in no way mean that this person is predictable.

So from a poetic and romantic point of view, it is only fair if the Gemini girl is enchanted by the Aquarius man.

All her life she flew like a firefly, turning on one or another of her moods and driving her friends to despair with her Mercurial unpredictability.

But once she gets involved with a man ruled by Uranus, she will have to swallow a pretty big portion of what she usually treats to others.

He will invite her to have dinner with him, and then to go to a preview of a new Steve McQueen or Paul Newman movie (usual Aquarius favorites), but when she has already done her hair and tied a yellow ribbon, a creature in a diving suit and flippers, very similar to a frog, appears at the door. It is he.

He has changed his mind about having dinner at a restaurant before the movie.

He has decided that they will have dinner at her house, and while she cooks dinner, he will dive for hermit crab shells to make her a necklace.

They'll make it to the cinema just in time for the movie if she hurries, and they'll be able to eat quickly when he gets back from his underwater quest. Yeah, life (and love) with this man can be so crazy, but isn't it wonderful?

It's incredible how often they feel the same thing at the same time.

Aquarius, who loves to shock people, is surprised at first, but the fact that there's a woman who's hard to shock is incredibly exciting to him. He's like a little boy who walks on his hands to impress the girl he likes - and she yawns and... suddenly walks on her elbows!

With a Gemini girl, he has to constantly outdo himself.

One morning he may pick her up in a yellow Beetle with a "WELCOME, UFO!" bumper sticker.

But wasn't his car gray yesterday? Yes, it was, but today is a bright, blue, sunny day — time to change the color! He may start growing a beard or moustache without warning, or, if he has always had a beard, just as suddenly shave it off, pull a wool cap down over his ears, grab her on the street and scare her to death: "Don't you recognize me, darling?"

She will finally understand what it is like to be an unwitting passenger on the "roller coaster" of emotions and rapidly changing moods. It may even teach her to tame her own mental acrobatics a little and, perhaps, even show up for dates on time.

They both could use some steadiness and reliability. But, on the other hand, there is always the possibility that they will, on the contrary, provoke each other into new "Nesterov loops".

In any case, it will be fun.

They always have a chance to discover that they are soul mates, especially if the Suns and Moons in their horoscopes are in harmonious aspect.

Even without this, or with a negative aspect between their birth stars, they can find more in common with each other than with most other people they know.

Sure, she will sometimes irritate him with her activity, but it is so difficult to stay angry with her!

No one in the world can apologise more charmingly than a Gemini.

You can let her do something wrong - just to see how she will apologize for it!

Aquarius has a harder time apologizing.

None of the Fixed signs (Aquarius, Taurus, Leo, Scorpio) finds it easy.

Most of them find asking for forgiveness as pleasant as walking barefoot on hot coals.

So she shouldn't expect this man to humiliate himself like this often.

It scares him. Besides, if he spoils her with excessive apologies now, she may decide that he should always do this.

Aquarius men don't like it when people expect something from them in advance - I've already told you about this.

It's better not to forget this.

People can get bored to death when they have no interest in each other except sex, but this man and this woman probably won't. Gemini and Aquarius will always have something to talk about and teach each other, and the beauty is that half the time they don't even know they're learning.

Sex is usually not that important to this couple. Of course, they care about it, but it doesn't take first place in their relationship. Sex just is, and that's it. Most happy Gemini-Aquarius couples enjoy the physical side of their love the same way children enjoy splashing in puddles, flying a kite, or chasing butterflies.

It is exciting, arousingly pure pleasure, without complications, without dark, mysterious corners - a bright, sunlit room in their hearts.

He may well be one of those few Aquarians who have to be almost reminded of the rules of the sexual game, because his thoughts, like bees, swarm around and he is too engrossed in something else and absent-minded to focus on the delights of physical intimacy.

And she may be one of those Geminis who achieves complete satisfaction in conversation, and not in overly sensual passion. However, when they do make love, it will be a joy for both, no matter how often or infrequently it happens.

These two have a strange way of guessing each other's desires.

An Aquarius man with a deficient Venus in his birth chart may have many different ideas in the field of sex - or he will tend to be platonic, never fully realized.

But if he is an average, normal, typical "Uranian", he has an excellent command of the language of love, and he can convey the strength of his desire with a fixed gaze, a slight raise of an eyebrow, or... a twitch of his left ear. As for her, the duality of her sign will be most stunningly manifested in her ability to be a special, just his woman at night... and a completely different person the next day. She may also have more than one name (a fictitious name or nickname), perhaps even more than one husband.

Geminis often try to get two or more of everything.

Aquariuses also often marry more than once, sometimes just out of curiosity. But in the competition for the number of marriages, she can still lead.

And yet it is the Aquarius man who is absolutely faithful to one woman. His problem with Gemini is that he sometimes feels like he is dealing with two women.

I suppose he would be faithful enough for both.

Gemini women flirt a lot - they just can't restrain themselves.

But Aquarius, as a rule, will not make a mountain out of a molehill when it comes to jealousy, and he may not notice light, friendly flirting at all.

He understands what friendship is.

In fact, she would even like him not to understand it so well, because his friends may well make her jealous. She will just have to remember that Aquarius has a hard time separating love from friendship, but for him, if he is a typical Aquarius, the sexual aspect of the relationship is still connected with the first, not the second.

True, sometimes they are combined, he has one weak spot - this is his first love. He will never forget her, never...

She will always remain somewhere in the depths of his memory, be it his teacher in the first grade or the charming hippopotamus in the zoo who winked at him when he was three years old.

Of course, it could be much more serious, and his first love is a very real woman who may one day appear again out of nowhere.

But even in this case, with the exception of very rare situations, he will prefer a foggy, starry memory to all the problems that will arise if he starts again from the same place where he once stopped.

The main thing that this man will demand from her is the truth. But this is precisely what he may never get from her: she sees the truth through the wavy glass of imagination, colored by her dreams and desires.

In other respects, these two share the same vibrations, their auras merge into a galaxy of moods, tuned to the same frequency, it's all about how it will be reflected in each of them.

The differences are very subtle and complex.

She puzzles him with waterfalls of tears and sunny flashes of laughter. Then he turns the image over — and there are waterfalls of laughter and sunny glimmers of tears... maybe because Aquarius already knows what Gemini has yet to learn.

And she does not yet know that the reason why Joy rhymes with Sadness is contained in herself, although she does not yet feel it, and that the secret of Joy and Sadness is that they are twins, and they are inseparable, but always ready to change places.
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