aquarius man and pisces woman
Aquarius Man - Pisces Woman
Believe me, the Pisces girl instinctively immediately understands what less sensitive and insightful persons often miss.Despite his strangeness, his certainly mysterious behavior, the fact that his ears move so funny, despite his absent-mindedness and some detached expression in his eyes, this man was born under the influence of a male sign, which is also ruled by a male planet. In addition to all this, he is an idealist, a defender of the weak.
No one is better suited for the role of a male than an Aquarius man.
He is capable of showing great courage in an extreme situation and, therefore, has all the necessary qualities to protect his lady from danger at any moment. He is a real man, one of those who make women in movies swoon.
Everything turns out just perfectly when his distant gaze accidentally falls on a Neptunian girl. A magnificent and distinct contrast to his masculinity is her femininity.
Don't forget, Pisces is a feminine sign and is ruled by a feminine planet.
How can one not remember polarity and the attraction of opposites? These two usually begin to feel the effect of the basic natural magnetism literally within a few minutes of meeting.
If there is a woman who is able to distract Aquarius from his hobby, observing people, and all sorts of research and switch his interest to personal research, and on a deeper level, then, of course, it is a Pisces girl.
Aquarius men, as I have already mentioned , are generally not too obsessed with relationships between the sexes. However, when an Aquarius meets a Pisces girl, he may suddenly become acutely aware of his sexuality , and this will make him behave very strangely.
That is, stranger than usual, which means really, extremely strangely.
Because of this, she may feel that he is downright unpleasant with her.
But she should not rush to conclusions.
Yes, when she dropped her white angora sweater, he walked over it with his dirty boots.
Yes, he blew up the paper bag and slapped it right over her ear, and then laughed hysterically when she asked if he had noticed her new perfume.
He had noticed it.
He had, he had!
That's why he blew up the bag and slapped it.
He did it to keep his hands busy, because he was desperate to touch her cheek tenderly. But only weaklings behave like that.
And he was not a weakling. Such nonsense is for sentimental romantics, but not for him. But wait.
He will come to his senses.
A Pisces girl who falls asleep in tears because the Aquarius man she is in love with is indifferent to her (how carefully calculated his indifference!), as if she were completely repulsive to him (in fact, she attracts him so much that he has forgotten what year it is), sheds tears in vain.
He loves her.
But he is not one to give up quickly.
These two will have a wonderful lovemaking on an intellectual level.
In fact, right during their honeymoon.
Yes, they have already gotten to the honeymoon.
Once the Neptune-ruled girl sees through this man's romantic pretense, stops crying and starts seducing, he has no chance of escaping. They can spend a lot of time on their honeymoon trying to find answers to idiotic questions.
For example: if, from the hour of each person's birth, the time is counted with a greater and greater difference, at a certain pace, how long will it take for the hours and minutes on their birth dials to become the same?
They will solve this problem for a long time, each in their own way, until she smiles at him dreamily and purrs that any time is good for making love.
His ears will turn red, he will smile and turn off the light...
Usually I have not described the physical relationship between couples of different Sun sign patterns so early in a chapter, but in a man who is masculine to the core and a woman who is endowed from birth with an unusual femininity, it begins quickly. There is no need to make them both blush (both blush very easily) by describing in detail all the joys of their sexual compatibility.
Everything happens as Nature intended, and therefore, easily and harmoniously.
Only if there is tension between their luminaries (Sun and Moon) or some other negative planetary positions at birth, this couple may have some difficulties.
I think we'll leave it at that, since both Pisces and Aquarius cannot stand even the slightest infringement on the secrets of their personal lives.
Of course, it's not entirely fair on their part, since she can learn a lot about everyone she meets just by virtue of her hypersensitive perception, while he can learn a great deal about a person from just one word spoken by them at the meeting.
From time to time, not being perfect, the Pisces woman can unintentionally do something that will make the unpredictable Aquarius explode.
No Aquarius suffers from an excess of restraint.
Instead of ignoring the squabbles, knowing about this woman's hypersensitivity, he will stop at nothing to prove his case.
And only after they have spent several years together, he will learn to be more careful with her tender heart, and she will understand that he loves her no matter what. But before both have learned everything, they will cause each other a lot of pain.
She is more tolerant of him than others, because for her he represents the twelfth house of Karma, in which she herself was only recently, and not only does not like to remember it. In her present existence, she has crossed the highest level and has learned to accept much on faith.
But she remembers the pitfalls of her Uranian experience and sympathizes with it, because all this is familiar to her higher being.
She represents for him the next lesson in human development that he has to learn, but he is not sure that he wants to.
But occasionally he does learn this science, looking into the eyes of his chosen one.
Unless Venus is defective at her birth, the typical Pisces woman is spared the torments of jealousy that torment some of her astrological sisters.
She will rarely suspect him of infidelity, and this alone smooths out many of the rough spots in their relationship.
Although this person is not particularly suspected of anything (excluding, of course, cases of disharmonious Venus or Mars in his horoscope), because the typical Aquarius man finds enough vivid feelings in a relationship with one woman. Romantic love and physical passion are very pleasant, he has nothing against them, especially since he has already explored both, but he is unlikely to concentrate his efforts on them at the expense of all the other pleasures they receive together.
It is wonderful to love a genius and to be loved by him! Life may be a little crazy, but it will never be boring and monotonous.
aquarius man
pisces woman
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