Someone, somewhere
is made for you...

aquarius man and capricorn woman



Capricorn Woman - Aquarius Man

Here they are in Central Park in Manhattan or in Kensington Gardens in London, listening to an orchestra together.

Or, rather, he is listening and she is sketching with pastels.

Doesn't it sound so romantic, does it look so beautiful?

Everything would be fine, if it weren't for one little thing: there is no orchestra. The concert he is listening to is playing in his head.

So when he starts waving his arms in time with the drums, bobbing his head back and forth in time with the violins, tapping his feet in time and quietly humming a tune, he will look a little strange.

To be completely honest, she thinks he's a crazy idiot. But since she's a Capricorn and has such a graceful manner, she'll blush a little, concentrate even more on her drawing, and pretend she didn't notice.

She'll only flare up if he offers her to sing along or asks her how she likes the drummer.

Capricorns are not so easy to make flare up. It takes something truly unthinkable.

And an Aquarius man can be just that.

His strangeness can seem boundless, especially if you look at it with the calm gaze of a Capricorn girl.

I think some readers will remember that in my first book I wrote that this is the only girl who can look at an ugly frog and know that he is really an enchanted prince. So I must admit that if she is capable of such Love and faith, she may also decide that this capricious nature can somehow be saved and transformed into a creature more like the type of husband and father she considers ideal.

If, of course, he turns out to be worth it. Assuming that he has many other real virtues, she may pretend to hear the drummer, and even sing along with him.

But she will still look for an opportunity to change him and gently show that she understands him, but much more important, what other people think about all this. That is, you must always behave in such a way that you are respected.

She is wrong. Terribly wrong. This person does not care one bit whether he is respected or not.

He does not mind it, but he does not care. And from time to time this will be a stumbling block between them.

The Aquarius man is highly individualistic, he can have outstanding ideas and opinions.

And the Capricorn girl can be the same. The difference is that she keeps her ideas to herself, avoiding mocking and rude judgments of strangers, and he is never afraid to show his eccentricity. Since both have areas of increased sensitivity, they can understand each other.

Her world, unlike his, is not fictional .

It is practical, illuminated by art (many Capricorns have a sense of beauty ), populated by puppies, full of dreams of warm kitchens and families singing Christmas carols together.

Capricorn's desires never go beyond what can be earned.

Aquarius's world seems fictitious to her, unreal, the impossible can happen there (and it usually does), it is populated by creatures of all sizes and shapes.

She will need to love his friends.

This is necessary for a woman who loves Aquarius. He is amazingly loyal to his friends, but you must also remember that he can call even a doorman whom he has only seen once, his friend.

Aquarius has a very vague understanding of friendship. Sometimes they are so absent-minded that they can introduce their wife as: "My good friend, Eloise."

Since Capricorn girls make quiet, modest wives who are not especially intrusive, curious or demanding, it is easy to understand why she is so attractive to the Aquarius man.

But she will not become so quiet, modest and undemanding that he can forget about her existence altogether.

It is known that Aquarius is capable of forgetting about many things, including the fact that they are married, and therefore he should be reminded of this from time to time.

No, he is not an unfaithful husband at all, he is simply surprised that he made a promise for life.

This man, I tell you, has a thing about promises. He can't stand them. It is a strange product of the straightforwardness inherent in Uranus.

He thinks that it is stupid and ridiculous to say something when you are not sure that you will think the same in a week, a month, or a year.

No one can be sure that they will not change, especially Aquarians, so why deceive anyone? Most people born under this sign cannot stand being accused of let down a friend or breaking a vow, so they will do everything possible to avoid making promises.

This does not mean that there are few Aquarians who are true to their vows and stay with one woman all their lives. There are many.

Some of them really love very much, but even those who are not too much in love are reluctant to divorce. Aquarius's wife is rarely threatened by rivals.

However, Aquarius is keenly interested in women, and for good reason.

They make up half of humanity, and Aquarians are very interested in the problems of humanity as a whole. At first, he may not even notice that women are creatures of the opposite sex. This in no way speaks of his own sexlessness.

It is simply not the main thing for him.

But nevertheless, if a woman makes even the slightest effort, in most cases she will be rewarded with a devoted husband or a charming lover.

It is rather strange (but upon reflection, probably not), but an Aquarius man often provokes fits of jealousy in his girlfriend, even if she is a cold, passionless Capricorn girl.

Since a stranger can be attracted to Aquarius at first sight, he may treat the stranger as a close friend.

If the stranger is a woman, his Capricorn wife may not realize that it means nothing at all.

The physical side of their relationship can be changing and unpredictable.

Everything connected with Aquarius is changing and unpredictable.

His attitude toward sex can fluctuate from intense curiosity to detached acceptance. Her attitude can fluctuate from a feeling that marital duty is truly an obligation to a deep enjoyment of intimacy without any false modesty or pretense.

Neither of them seems to underestimate or overestimate sex.

Both accept it as it is, and are able to do it without excessive passion or emotional outbursts, although some Aquarians bring a dreamlike unreality to physical union. And some Capricorn women blush every time they even think about their sexuality.

In the area of ​​sex, he may come up with something that she finds fascinating, even disturbing, but if they are in love, they will be able to overcome any little inconsistencies in sexual compatibility.

If one of them has the Moon in harmonious aspect with the Sun of the other, then their physical union will be more than satisfactory.

If the Sun and Moon of both are in opposition or in a square, then the fullness may be illusory. In any case, there will be no overwhelming spiritual hunger. The kind that poets wrote about. Capricorn girls often develop their sexual instincts rather slowly, and the same can be said about many, but not all, Aquarians.

Therefore, the later they marry, the more hope they have for a successful marriage.

The basis for disagreements may be her exaggerated devotion to her family or his refusal to observe decency in relation to neighbors and relatives.

But they are better off focusing on each other's good qualities and not dwelling on the little snags and differences. A Capricorn woman can be surprisingly loving, emotional, stable, and devoted, with a strong sense of moral responsibility.

She will rarely do anything that hurts him or embarrasses him. This is true of all Capricorns, with the exception of the rare few of these signs who chose the wrong path in childhood and are incapable of romantic love, taking sexual love for granted, like a handshake.

As for the virtues of Aquarius as a father and husband, no one else can sustain intellectual interest for so long, and love begins with reason. That is, it begins with reason for those born in the element of Air, like Aquarius. For those born in the element of Earth, like Capricorn, love begins with emotional stability.

Aquarius is a little lacking in reliability and emotional security.

But with the help of tolerance and patience from his girlfriend, he can learn this.
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