aquarius man and aries woman
Aries Woman - Aquarius Man
These two will get along great if she learns a simple truth: the Aquarius man laughs when he is sad and cries when he is happy. Once she understands the rules of his game, she will not let herself be fooled by other tricks. Both those that he throws out, hiding his love, and those that mask the depth of his feelings. Even head over heels in love, he tries to convince both himself and her that it is not too late to return to friendship. This relationship is more exciting than a card game. The Aries girl loves games, but only those where she always wins.Aquarius is not satisfied with this. He does not agree to lose, and even her tears full of anger will not soften him.
He will probably say to his independent and assertive girlfriend: "Where does such sensitivity come from? Weren't you the one demanding equal rights at the women's league demonstration last week? So play on equal terms! Move the furniture yourself, fix the plumbing, change the tires... Fight, finally!"
He is wrong. It was not the concern for equal rights that lured her to the demonstration, but the exciting noise and cheerful crowd. Proving her equality with a man? What nonsense! She is free from birth and knows that her role in this world is more significant than a man's. So she will simply laugh in his face: "Fight? If women ran everything, there would be no more wars."
Sooner or later she will start complaining that he is indifferent, aloof, cruel — in a word, a sadist. (Aries do not distinguish halftones.)
It cannot be said that this is slander. The broad views of Aquarius puts him above the petty interests of individuals, he cares about the well-being of all mankind. Absorbed in thoughts about the health of the nation, he may forget that he promised to run into the pharmacy and buy medicine for a loved one. He talks for hours about gerontology and the problems of aging, but will not guess to help his grandmother cross the road. Uranus directs his thoughts and actions to the fight against Universal Evil in the name of a Bright Tomorrow, but makes him blind to the current troubles of loved ones.
An Aquarius man is most often kind. And his goals are noble. But how often the road to hell is paved with good intentions! Just remember Robespierre, in whose horoscope there was an Aquarius Ascendant. He wanted the good of France, but forgot that it was inhabited by living people.
Aquarius tries to sympathize with his friends, but his compassion is not very deep. He believes that suffering elevates the soul, and does not like to interfere with Destiny. This man can be kind and gentle, loving and cheerful ... when it suits him. But he remains cold and heartless in the eyes of the sensitive Aries girl. This contradiction can be smoothed out, but not eradicated.
He has many friends, and, of course, not everyone is to her taste. And the more time he devotes to his friends, the greater the chance that she will become jealous. What to do? Understand that he will not replace the whole world with her alone. All that remains is to accept it.
What other shortcomings does he have? He is unpredictable, eccentric, often strange. Well, this is a challenge to her Martian readiness to fight.
Many surprises lie in wait for the Aries girl when it comes to physical intimacy. Decisive and somewhat straightforward , she rushes forward at full speed. But where is her Aquarius? Just a minute ago, he was there. Ah, here he is! She will have to go back and pick him up. He, as always, is deep in thought. He analyzes the sensations that the first kiss brought. Aquarius is dominated by the habit of carefully studying his first life experience. However, it is possible that it is physical intimacy that will help these two to better understand each other. Perhaps her sincerity and ardor will awaken unusual tenderness in him. But she will have to forget the image of the ideal lover, which she had imagined in her dreams, and move along untrodden paths.
A lot of problems will be caused by the fact that she is a Cardinal leader and therefore loves to lead, and he refuses to obey. In addition, both are ruled by powerful, unpredictable male planets. Mars and Uranus are not a pharmacy potion, but an explosive mixture.
An old fairy tale comes to mind (I confess, I have rewritten it in my own way). An elf appears to the lover and promises to fulfill three wishes, but only three! What will Aquarius do? True to himself, this madman will demand something like blueberry pudding. His Aries girlfriend, angered by such frivolity, behaves no wiser: "Let this stupid pudding slap your face!" And what is the result? The third and last desire has to be sacrificed in order to rip off this pudding.
It is sad when people do not know how to manage their desires... But what is this? Invisible flutes began to sing, distant drums began to beat - quarrels are forgotten, and everything will go well again.
aquarius man
aries woman
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