capricorn man and sagittarius woman
Sagittarius Woman - Capricorn Man
So you are a Sagittarius and love the truth, even though it is not always pleasant? And you believe in honesty, no matter how much suffering it costs?Excellent!
You asked for the truth - and you will get it.
Perhaps there are a few Capricorns on earth who were orphaned in early childhood (a truly fatal experience for this Sun Sign), and perhaps there are also a few Capricorns who were cruelly offended by their parents and ran away from home as youngsters. But the average Capricorn man (as your lover may be), unless there is a strong negative influence of the Moon and Saturn in his birth chart, will always support his family.
It's very similar to the statue of Atlas in New York City at the intersection of 5th Avenue and St. Patrick's Street, holding the world on his shoulders, with the same resignation to fate and for about the same amount of time. (Atlas hasn't thrown the world off his shoulders yet, at least not the last time I walked past him.)
Let this be a warning to the charming, trusting Sagittarius girl who thinks that her Capricorn loves her alone and no one else. Yes, he does.
He may even worship her, give her roses on their anniversary (when the florist cut the price in half), let her drive his car, but she will never be the most important thing in the world to him.
This part belongs to his family - and it will be so as long as he lives. At the same time, Capricorns do not cling to their parents' roof, like Cancers.
Capricorns even leave the city or state where their relatives live.
However, even if they are far away, it is better not to try to tear this person away from his family.
For a Sagittarius girl, family always represents something pleasant and convenient if you need to borrow a few dollars or need to spend a weekend somewhere, but her individualism may force her to break away from home early and maintain relations with her family through postcards.
But birds always leave their nests, don't they? Following the laws of nature, parents themselves push the chick out of the nest so that it learns to fly and survives.
Sagittarius, considers this theory of raising children reasonable and fascinating.
Capricorn thinks it is disgusting and cruel. The very thought of it makes him turn pale.
What a horror! Who will feed them and take care of them when winter comes?
Cancer sticks to the family so that they will take care of him. Capricorn thinks about his loved ones not because he needs protection, but because he believes that they need protection.
These are different things.
The end result is the same, because both Cancer and Capricorn find it difficult to separate from the family.
But their motives are completely different - and they are what are important.
Can you imagine what happens if the parents are Capricorns and the child is Cancer, or vice versa?
This can be horrifying! Read the section on Cancer-Capricorn relationships and you'll see...
Well, have we not yet rid the Sagittarius girl of her romantic views of Capricorn?
The Capricorn man does not belong to the aggressive type.
Most of them are a little old-fashioned and gallant. In addition, they are prudent and carefully observe decency, because they are always to some extent concerned with "what people will think."
This does not mean that her Capricorn is not romantic, it is just that his romanticism may be mixed with caution, otherwise it is a manifestation of immaturity.
And his emotional maturity is exactly what she needs and why she trusts him.
Capricorn men rarely act like little boys, unless they are little boys. The few Capricorns who like to drink or show their emotions in public have extremely unfavorable birth charts and should be pitied rather than criticized. Such behavior makes them suffer, because it is alien to their nature. Lazy Virgo, cowardly Leo, self-confident Pisces, eccentric Taurus - the discrepancy between the essence of their Sun sign is a serious danger signal.
If a Centaur woman complains about her Capricorn lover or husband, she needs to curb her own desire for frankness and directness.
She can protect his feelings and their relationship with the help of her own head and studying the thesaurus.
If in anger she resorts to the game of synonyms, she will avoid many troubles.
Here is an example.
What can replace the word "egoist"?
"Indulging one's desires."
"Cold and heartless."
"Stingy" is a harsh word.
"Frugal" or "thrifty" are more polite.
Instead of "boring," could you say "cautious"?
And so on.
If she shouts at him: "You're selfish!
You're cold and heartless!
And besides, you're stingy and boring!" - she will lose him (and along with him, her chance to grow wiser under his steadfast and patient guidance). It will not only be more polite, but also less painful if she calmly says: "You know, you sometimes indulge your desires too much.
And you are perhaps too practical, thrifty, and cautious.
Do you understand me?"
(Even if she calls him a stingy, selfish, and cruel-hearted monster to herself!)
And he will probably take note of what is really important, and perhaps even smile...
It's amazing how happy people are when they hear about some of the qualities of their Sun signs that seem completely negative to others!
Tell Taurus that he is impulsive, and he will frown. The same will cause admiration in Aries.
Tell Leo that he is proud, and he will beam.
This will also offend Virgo.
Tell a Gemini that they have a fickle nature, and they will smile back, but the same thing will almost mortally offend a Scorpio. Is he fickle?
No way!
Tell a Capricorn that he is conservative, and he will take it as a compliment to his cautious nature, but tell a Sagittarius girl that she is conservative, and you will hear unflattering words about yourself in response.
What seems a disadvantage to others, seems an advantage to the person himself, but only thanks to this you can live in peace with yourself, right?
There is no doubt that the Capricorn man may seem cold because he is afraid to express his feelings too clearly, lest they be trampled (the Sagittarius woman is capable of this).
But in general he is not selfish.
Of course, sometimes he withdraws into himself, but if you constantly tell him that he is selfish, he will eventually only move into the world of his imagination. The person you love will cease to resemble the image that is stored in your mind and heart. Didn't you know that? This is the immutable metaphysical law of love...
But if he shows a little more imagination, and she a little more patience...
He must beware of emotional tactlessness, when he quickly falls asleep after love, as well as intimacy without affection.
She must avoid verbal tactlessness, because sometimes she manages to prick him with some truthful remarks before he manages to embrace her.
Then she will complain about his "coldness", forgetting that she herself has just doused his erotic aspirations with ice water.
It all depends on the ruling planets.
His planet is Saturn, and Saturn can be extremely reserved. Her planet is Jupiter, and Jupiter's excesses are sometimes overwhelming.
These two planets together can (literally) cause an earthquake.
Each has its own power, but neither is gentle or moderate. So he must try to develop her impulsive and impetuous nature so that she will know a deeper, ecstatic satisfaction, but be careful not to cool her desire in the meantime. And she must understand how he dreams of someone picking the key to the prison of his Saturnine caution... someone like her who will free him emotionally - so that he can forget about his restraint, enjoying the passion he is experiencing, which is hidden somewhere deep down.
This is a man who feels better alone (or with her) on the top of a mountain than on the noisy, crowded avenues of life.
He needs fame and success (as long as he is not asked for an autograph.
He cannot stand this), and he simply needs his beloved to admire him and recognize his public and private achievements.
Here she is no danger of overdoing it! He feels inadequate if he has not conquered the top of at least a small hill.
The key to his moods is his self-doubt, in the distance that lies between his real achievements and his inner goal.
The Sagittarius woman does not need peaks, but she needs to know that the arrows of hope, loyalty and idealism, flying from her Jupiterian bow, sometimes reach the target. Without this, she simply loses her fortitude and fades away.
And what is a Sagittarius without Fire?
A very sad clown girl.
t here is nothing sadder than a clown whose bright, cheerful makeup is smeared with tears.
When he is gloomy, because his success is still somewhere in the fog... When she is sad, because her dreams are too slow to come true... they would be best off going on a long journey to some exotic country, where magic is in the air.
Sometimes such a joint trip brings back the freshness of feelings to the Capricorn man and the Sagittarius woman, who have stopped kissing each other at night.
capricorn man
sagittarius woman
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