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capricorn man and scorpio woman



Scorpio Woman - Capricorn Man

Anything that promises a nightmare or threatens tickles the imagination of the Capricorn man.

This person has a stronger imagination than one might suspect. Just because he does not tell magical stories in public or write poetry, does not mean that he is not capable of strong feelings.

He is a romantic at heart.

He also loves music and art.

Of course, it should be understandable music and classical art. He will not waste time on the squiggles that are called pop art, or endure the deafening decibels of punk rock. But put on Moonlight or Rhapsody in Blue, show him a truly graceful sculpture, and you will see a smile slowly and timidly appear on his face.

The smile of a Capricorn is incomparable - you feel good just looking at it. Perhaps this is because it rarely appears.

Capricorn smiles when he is happy or cheerful, or when there is something nearby that deserves a good attitude.

He does not offer his friendship to just anyone.

This person does not like to talk.

He says little, but his speeches shine with a sharp mind combined with wisdom, and his rare caustic remarks are often such that listeners would like to write them down.

Stern wisdom and subtle humor create a wonderful mixture.

It is not surprising that his Saturnian aura attracts the Scorpio woman.

Capricorn is in many ways similar to her, and that is why she feels so confident when he is somewhere nearby, even on the other side of the room, before they have really gotten to know each other.

She will not let him know how she feels. She will most likely pretend not to notice him at all.

If he, feeling her gaze on him, looks at her, she will have time to turn away, and he will decide that he imagined it.

And only having considered that she has tormented him enough, she will fix him with a piercing gaze that will throw him off balance.

Being able to throw a Capricorn off balance is no small feat. She knows how to do it.

He is intrigued. Who is this mysterious woman? It is strange, but many men never think of this person as a girl, even if she is not yet twenty.

There was a secret in her eyes from the first minute of their meeting.

It is easy to understand why he is terribly interested and why he is so excited in her presence.

Capricorns fear nothing except poverty.

And since they are not curious in the usual sense of the word, then, coming upon a secret, they do not seek to reveal it.

They will wait until it reveals itself.

So his excitement is caused by something else. Mainly by the sudden awareness that someone can penetrate his secrets, the inner "I" which he so carefully hides under the mask of composure.

His innate shyness may deepen, his timidity intensify, and his formal style of communication become even more formal.

But gradually, talking to her, he will relax and eventually risk giving her his special smile.

His eyes will shine, telling her much more than the words he speaks, and her heart will suddenly flutter.

Making a Scorpio's heart flutter, especially suddenly, is not easy.

But the gentle eyes and timid smile of this man are capable of this. Calm wisdom also does its work.

And this is how Capricorn and Scorpio fall in love.

Always imperceptibly, almost soundlessly.

It takes their friends and family some time to realize what is happening.

His usual environment consists of no more than three friends and family. He will not do anything that they do not like or that will force him to spend much less time with them.

Capricorn is by nature an undisputed owner.

This will not add happiness to the Scorpio woman, since she has always considered that the sense of ownership is her exclusive Right.

But, most likely, it is she who will have to compromise, because a Capricorn man who is truly in love, as a rule, does not demand freedom and does not strive to be outside the home. It is difficult to hurt the ownership of anyone with such behavior, except for a woman who is abundantly endowed with them.

If his horoscope does not contain signs of fire or air, marked by the Moon or Ascendant, and he is not influenced by Mars or Venus, a typical Capricorn will not go far from his hearth.

He loves quiet evenings with the woman he loves more than anything in the world.

Besides work.

When a Capricorn says that he stays late at the office, it is probably true. If he is one of those crazy people who are involved in politics, or have to travel a lot by the nature of his work, he may leave her alone often enough to give her a good reason for irritation. But a typical Capricorn will not give her a reason for this.

He will have much more reason to be interested in where his beloved is.

This woman usually insists on her own independence. She will not be under anyone's thumb.

This does not mean that she does not love him or that she has found herself another man. She just needs the freedom to do something whenever she wants, and not to account for every minute, not to ask permission to visit a friend, go shopping, sit in the library.

She should understand that everyone needs this kind of freedom, regardless of their Sun sign, that when dealing with an owner, you need to let him know as often as possible that he is loved.

The more often, the better.

Sexually, a Scorpio woman will enrich the emotional spectrum of her Capricorn lover or husband.

He will be excited by feelings he has never experienced before, caused by the depth of her physical need to give and receive. And she will feel cozy and warm with him. His calm strength and lulling softness will make her forget her nameless fears.

They become both lovers and friends, and they should often honestly discuss their difficulties. Both tend to hide their true selves from prying eyes, but trusting each other, they must be sincere.

Both have excellent self-discipline and self-control, but they need to understand that controlled passion is impossible with the one you love.

Almost always they have a common secret, which strengthens their devotion to each other. helps them to be more patient with each other, and patience is one of love's best friends.
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