capricorn man and libra woman
Libra Woman - Capricorn Man
At first, the Libra woman may well think that the Capricorn man is too old-fashioned and dull to match the image of an ideal lover woven from the silken threads of her imagination. She will decide that he is conservative, stubborn, prosaic, humorless, and generally depressing.In addition, he is unreasonably pessimistic, self-confident, and cold.
She will put all these conclusions on one side of her scale, but now the other side must be balanced with his merits. And sometimes Capricorn, astrology, and I will accuse her of being unfair to this man's potential as a lover or husband.
Yes, he is stubborn.
There's nothing to be done about it.
He was born under an Earth sign, which is not your intellectual Air sign, dear Libra, but there's a reliability about him that you've always liked.
He's old-fashioned in a way.
But very charmingly old-fashioned, don't you think?
Behind this quality is his calm. And if you're a true Libra, you have nothing against calm and peace.
Boring and conservative? Well, that depends. A person's being boring doesn't necessarily follow from his conservatism. To remain true to your sign, you'll have to reconsider your accusation.
The meaning of the word "conservative" is generally relative.
If you are going to measure a circle, it does not matter where you start, so that what was progressive yesterday will be conservative tomorrow, and after some thought, you may decide to define "conservative" not as "boring" but simply as "a lesser degree of something."
So perhaps you should change your mind and shift his conservatism to the positive side of your Libra, as the beginning of a future balance.
Yes, Capricorn is certainly self-confident, but on the positive side you can add the opposite quality - he is not weak-willed.
Of course, he is sometimes cold, but he is not rash or reckless and will not lose his temper with you - remember how much you do not like that. Of course, this may happen if there are too many difficult moments in his horoscope, but this happens to any sign, not only to Capricorn.
Even to Libra.
Now, if you don't mind, remove the term "humorless" from the negative side of your scale.
Because you are wrong there.
You just have to get to know him better, and you will discover that he has a delightful sense of humor. It is very subtle and does not manifest itself often, but his sense of the comic is magnificent.
He is also reliable and faithful.
Gentle and honest. He is hardworking, and laziness or inaction are not characteristic of him.
He has a flair for music and art, which he rarely talks about.
And he does not advertise his deep, instinctive wisdom about everything that concerns human nature.
So what about your scales now?
Almost even - flaws on one side, virtues on the other?
But you still have not decided anything about his pessimism, which simply depresses you.
Has it ever occurred to you to look at it from the other side?
Perhaps you will see that this man, too, would like to raise his pessimism a little - closer to your optimism - he just does not show it. What he really needs is the magic touch of your sunny disposition and your calm mind,
And this will free his feelings and fill that emptiness that he often feels, but which he will not admit even to himself.
He is too shy to tell you that your smile brings tears to his eyes. Watch him the next time you smile at him.
See how he quickly turns away, pretending that he is busy and you are distracting him?
And then he becomes even sharper, even ruder? It is all because of self-control. Saturnian self-discipline, given to him from birth, envelops him with a cold aura, which repels people from him, unaware of how much he wants their participation and attention!
Somewhere in the depths of his eyes, you can see a flickering passionate desire to free himself from this unnecessary restraint, but he is still not sure that you can trust his feelings.
The eyes are the window to the soul.
If you once catch him by surprise, you will see a warm fire in them - there, behind the frosty winter shell of severity with which he sometimes hides.
Sexual compatibility between Libra and Capricorn does not always appear after the first embrace.
She may be offended and scared off by his unpleasant coldness, which she will incorrectly interpret as lack of interest, and it may seem to him, too, that her reserved reaction to his courtship means indifference.
Just as in nature the earth is earth and the sky is sky, the Air and Earth natures of Libra and Capricorn are incomprehensible to each other.
But a cautious mutual interest in each other will give their physical intimacy an extraordinary charm.
The attraction of the dissimilar is a powerful magnet, especially for sexual desire.
They are constantly discovering something new in each other. His restraint, which so bothered her at first, begins to attract her: she wants to break through his calm, measure his depth.
The evasiveness of her free, airy behavior enchants him - there is something teasing and persistent in it.
They can live together their whole life, and she will never fully know the inner essence of this person - just as he will not be able to catch all the changes in her feelings.
Thus, not fully satisfied desire can add spice to their intimacy, making it exciting and promising, and this feeling will arise again and again.
Or their love will have a different plot: gradually they will begin to avoid intimacy, having lost faith in their ability to understand and satisfy the other. How everything will be depends on the aspects of the Sun and Moon at their birth, as well as on the relationship of Venus and Mars in their horoscopes.
But even more it depends on them... on how much they love each other.
The Libra woman is graceful, gentle, unsentimental...
But at the same time, she always remembers her independence, no matter how well her ambition and brilliant mind are hidden behind a velvety Venusian smile.
This smile, these dimples on her cheeks - and any man will willingly do everything the way she wants!
But the realist Capricorn with his earthly habits can resist her charm when "the way she wants" comes into conflict with the way he wants.
A man ruled by Saturn cannot do anything about the immutability of his rules or beliefs, but his Libra girlfriend, ruled by her Air element, is more flexible in this regard, and it is easier for her to change her position.
So the main share of responsibility for the success of their relationship falls on her fragile, but strong shoulders. And perhaps her loving and grateful Capricorn will rightfully reward her with an honorary romantic degree for "the art of making their union happy."
And, perhaps, they will decide that this is their lucky combination.
capricorn man
libra woman
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