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capricorn man and pisces woman



Capricorn Man - Pisces Woman

The most vivid and all-encompassing example of a Capricorn man is Muhammad Ali, a good-natured, cheerful, incredibly energetic man who has achieved such fame that there is no need to add titles to his name. Everyone knows him anyway.

Ali constantly repeats to reporters in all interviews: "A woman's place is in the kitchen and bedroom.

She should do housework, look great for her man, play with the children."

He becomes tough, even stubborn and persistent, when asked whether he would allow his wife to work or pursue a career.

"My wife? Will she go to work?

No way.

First of all, she doesn't need it, because I earn enough for both of us."

(And secondly, if she did go to work, she might come back and find the doors closed.) "Let her be a lady. It's also better for her not to flirt with men, if she knows what's good for her.


Well, you know, that's my business, not yours.

You see, a man is completely different, and if he wants to flirt with someone, there's nothing shameful in it.

Men and women are different, he says, and there's no point in talking about it.

The Almighty created us this way, and he knew what he was doing."

Yes, Ali is a Capricorn man in every way.

But while he thinks of his woman's strong morals and iron discipline, he is unconditionally kind, gentle and will always protect her.

He never said anything but old-fashioned and gallant words about his first wife, even when they were getting divorced. He also says nothing disrespectful about his current girlfriend Veronica or about any woman in general.

For Ali, all women are ladies.

Until they prove otherwise.

And even then, he will not seriously insult or scold them - publicly or privately.

His iron self-discipline is simply legendary, incredible, and it is a hereditary trait of Saturn. That is also where his fear of scandals comes from.

His noisy, cheerful (and carefully thought-out) image of a clown is not accidental , but forced.

His truly witty remarks are a strange mixture of the original, unconventional, sense of humor that he got from the Moon in Aquarius and the dry sense of humor of Capricorn. But if you don't count his fun, then his public image is not just exemplary, but much more commendable than the image of many political leaders and many outstanding citizens.

He is like a living legend and an example to those young people who worship him and strive to imitate him.

He is a gentleman in the fullest sense of the word.

And let no one say that this Capricorn is not ambitious.

With firm determination he has risen to the top, where he wants to remain one way or another, judiciously, in due time and gradually changing careers. Also, it is necessary to mention Ali's generosity.

Subconsciously submitting to the dictates of Saturn, he makes frequent and significant monetary gifts to his family, friends and community, but for all his boasting, Muhammad Ali never boasted of his charity, which is much greater and more lasting than all but the grateful recipients think.

Although making the mistakes inherent in any person, Ali still remains a perfect example of a highly developed Capricorn man.

A Pisces woman who loves a Capricorn will not find a more complete description of this sign than the one just outlined, and she should be guided by it.

Naturally, not all Capricorn men have such a strong opinion about their wives' work.

There are many Capricorns of a different type who believe that it is simply excellent for their women to be busy and have a well-paid job.

However, it is fair to note that almost all Capricorn men who agree to their wives working do so reluctantly, because deep down they know that the time is not far off when the need for this will disappear.

Of course, as always, there are exceptions, but few Capricorn men are truly happy at the thought of their wives' work or career.

The Pisces woman will resent the way her Capricorn treats her less than any other sign of the Zodiac. She is patient and sensitive enough to understand that the same instincts that create his inflexibility also generate the qualities that attract her: his protectiveness and reliability, his kindness, his unfailing loyalty and devotion to those he loves.

His stability calms her restless spirit. His confidence softens her own doubts.

She is touched by his courteous manners and the loneliness that she senses in him.

She sees behind his wall of external confidence the sadness and unfulfilled desires that he tries to hide.

A Neptune-led woman can feel very well that only a generous heart could allow this man to set such difficult goals for himself, only a very great strength and determination will lead him to the perfection he wants to achieve. His periods of depression and silence do not bother her as much as other women. This increases her love for him, makes her learn to bring him out of his sad mood with a soft look, a subtle perception of his Saturnian nature and obvious respect for his virtues (which is almost always welcome by men of other signs).

The love of a Pisces woman is full of mercy and deep wisdom.

After some time, she will even change him, albeit very gradually, and he will understand that he can soften the harsh rules that guide him.

By that time, he will have already entered the Capricorn period when they begin to grow younger.

He will want to travel with her, to be more carefree and casual, to find time to smell the flowers and chase the wind, to make his life look into the thirst for adventure and new horizons. Capricorns can be absolutely charming and rejoice when Saturn looses their discipline. They become truly themselves when they break out of the usual behavior framework that they have created for themselves.

As with all combinations of the elements of Earth and Water, physical love between a Pisces woman and a Capricorn man can become a deep and enriching experience for both. Either way, Capricorn feels renewed after an intimate relationship with his beloved Pisces, whom he has learned to trust.

This sudden feeling of happiness after intimacy with her, this special sparkle in his eyes - as if he has just rediscovered what pleasure and innocence are, unburdened by anxiety and guilt...

She is happy, too, because for a Pisces woman, happiness is measured by how much happiness she can give to others.

Silence is almost always the basis of Pisces and Capricorn intimacy, an eloquent silence that comes from mutual understanding and depth of feeling.

Even if their birth charts have disharmonious aspects between the Sun, Moon, or Ascendants, their sexual compatibility is likely to be positive rather than negative, although the silence between them may at times turn into coldness and lack of interest. If this happens, it means that they have put physical attraction above her romantic needs, or she has refused to respond intensely enough to the appeal of his more earthly nature.

But if these two lovers try, influenced by friendship and ease in communication, to discuss it, they will come to a fuller understanding of each other's different needs.

The area where tension most often arises in the relationship between a Pisces woman and a Capricorn man, lovers or friends, may be her tendency to sentimentality. He may find her too elusive, secretive and vulnerable. This may make him nervous, he will be afraid to be himself, so as not to hurt her feelings.

They will have to solve these problems immediately, not allowing them to grow into an insurmountable obstacle.

Much of their emotional turmoil will be clarified by the position of the Moon and Ascendant in their horoscopes.

If a Capricorn has the Moon or Ascendant, for example, in the constellation Virgo, then he will probably consider the opportunity to work acceptable for both.

If he has the Moon or Ascendant in Libra or Aquarius, he will be much more generous to the career of his Pisces woman.

A Capricorn who loves a Pisces girl can easily be confused by her soft femininity.

There are also many other things he should know about this girl.

On the one hand, she belongs to the element of Water, which means that she is able to overcome the determination of Capricorn, not by demands, but by invisible pressure, constant persuasion and latent suggestion. Water is the most elastic of all elements, which eventually overcomes any resistance.

She can also be capricious and irritable, though rarely or never aggressive. It will not be so easy for him to force her to answer the question directly when he wants to know what she really thinks and feels.

The tactic of evasion is brought to the level of art by people ruled by Neptune, since it is one of the ways of protecting their integrity from invasion.

But all these are only passing clouds, and not a permanent darkness. Quarrels between this man and woman, like an occasional shower, can always end in a rainbow of reconciliation.
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