aries man and sagittarius woman
Aries Man — Sagittarius Woman
A Sagittarius woman is attracted to an Aries man. What could be more natural? She admires courage, craves excitement and loves to have fun, and Aries, of course, is not a wimp. True, he likes to command and insist on his own. But he is a sentimental romantic, and this is exactly what she is looking for, even if unconsciously, looking where there is no smell of romance, looking, getting bumps and masking her. hopes with irony. Sagittarius always hides Jupiterian idealism under the mask of a clown. This woman desperately needs romantic love — only love can cure her of her innate cynicism. She is initially infected with skepticism, and love affairs only feed this skepticism and sharpen her wit.As a rule, Aries men (unless their Moon is in a Water sign or Neptune is very favorable in their birth charts) are poor judges of human nature. They usually see only the outer side. It is difficult for them to discern the thirst for romantic love in the one who appears with a cynical chuckle, holding a dog-eared copy of Kate Millet's Sexual Revolution under her arm, and provocatively offers to take possession of her. She can also put on another theatrical mask - pretend to be a neurotic teenager or a timid, withdrawn old maid.
Deep down, the Sagittarius girl yearns for someone intelligent and honest, who would embrace her in a warm embrace, protecting her from herself. But to do this, Aries will have to carefully wipe away the makeup on her face and firmly say that the comedy is over. She will protest because she adores the theater. Besides, she, like Cinderella, is afraid of the coming of midnight, the fateful hour when her carriage will turn into a pumpkin. But that hour must strike. When the last stroke of the clock turns the fairy-tale dress into rags, she will calm down and become the most charming woman in the world. One can console one who has despaired of taming this wild playground by saying that she is a little clumsy. This shows not only in her body movements (despite her graceful gait and posture), but also in her mental anguish. Sooner or later she will stumble. Then he can pick her up in his arms, hug her tenderly and finally explain that he is a man and she is a woman. (You see, after all, Sagittarius is a male sign.)
At first, Aries will be enraged by her straightforward frankness and familiar treatment of his sensitive male "I". He is unlikely to like that she constantly wins at "Monopoly" against all logic and generally makes him look like a fool in front of his friends, saying whatever comes to mind. Aries men intend at all costs to maintain their male superiority, independence and personal freedom.
Not all, but a significant majority of Sagittarius women prefer to be friends with men, so the jealous Aries will have to remind himself every now and then that she is only friendly, cheerful and sociable and that this is not cheating at all. She herself is more than inclined to be jealous, especially when she is provoked to it, but not nearly as much as he is. In addition, her Aries also prefers male company. Lucky, isn't it?
This girl is very lucky. Somehow, her most ridiculous mistakes always turn out for the better under the favorable happy influence of Jupiter, who at birth rewarded her with faith and optimism, bringing so-called luck. It would be more correct to call this not luck, but a manifestation of the law of attraction: you attract what you represent yourself to. And she feigns happiness!
Don't be fooled by her free, even provocative behavior in society. Remember that Jupiter rules spiritual insight. The Sagittarius girl has an inner innocence and touching faith in people (at least in her youth), and this often puts her in an awkward position.
Aries. So you spent the whole evening in town, at Mr. Cromwell's house, because he's your boss and he needed you?
Oh, yes, he needed you very much, that sly old goat.
And you're pretty!
No more moral than a March cat.
(Aries do not mince words when their Martian temperament explodes.) Sagittarius. His dog was about to give birth, and he was going to leave her to have the litter all alone. Someone had to help the poor thing. Aries.
A dirty guy who seduces his secretary can hardly be called a poor thing. Sagittarius. I meant the dog - Mr. Cromwell is a freak!
He went to bed, and I had to deliver the puppies in the kitchen alone. One was stillborn. It was so awful... I cried the whole way home in the taxi. Aries.
You were crying because... that's why your makeup is smudged! Honey, I'm sorry, I didn't understand... Sagittarius. You don't trust me. Don't try to apologize! You called me a March cat. You're a psychopath... you hate animals... the poor cat symbolizes a prostitute to you... Get out! I don't want to see you again!
A few more such scenes, and Aries will understand (let's hope, before he loses her) that she will not tolerate baseless jealousy. After all, her honesty is in question, and Sagittarians are obsessed with truth and honesty, for some it becomes something like a neurosis (you can ask psychiatrists). So if she had succumbed to temptation, she would probably have laid out everything as it is, without omitting a single dramatic detail.
If Aries does not want to be bombarded with such a confession, we must believe. It is true that Sagittarius women, like Gemini or Pisces, are more likely to embark on love adventures than other Sun signs. They are changeable and duality by nature. But there is no secrecy in Sagittarius. An Aries man can accuse her of anything, but not of cheating. This woman is true to herself and to the person she loves until her feelings cool down or until she is doubted. Even then, she would rather flare up and break off the relationship than cheat on him out of spite. (Unless she has the Moon or Ascendant in Scorpio.) Even those Sagittarius girls who quickly become jaded and hurry to turn the page usually never start two romances at once, unless a series of disappointments have made them overly cynical.
Both Sagittarius and Aries suffer from attacks of complacency, and both consider the desire to command and carelessness almost virtues. They despise caution, prudence and patience, perceiving them as vices.
But, having mastered the art of compromise, they will achieve such a harmony of thoughts and feelings, not to mention the harmony of bodies, that other couples can only dream of. Their intimacy is usually stormy and pacifying, delightful and enchanting at the same time, like a meteor shower. Of course, if she remembers that there are moments when silence is golden, she will make fun of his passion. Both cheerful chatter and sober prudence are equally offensive at such moments.
Neither Aries nor Sagittarius are stingy by nature, so money will not quarrel them, unless a squabble arises about where to get it when the wallet has become empty. If it comes to a competition in extravagance, you can bet on Aries: here he will clearly bypass Sagittarius. Although you shouldn't count on it, unless she has Pisces rising or the Moon in Taurus. And I wouldn't advise criticizing her cooking or housekeeping methods (this is usually the Achilles heel of the average Sagittarius).
The most important thing for an Aries man is to understand that his girlfriend is an idealist to the core. Her sociability and friendliness in relationships with men are completely innocent. Doesn't he himself like to bask in the rays of female admiration? And is this infidelity? Of course not.
So she will not betray love, as long as this love exists, and in any case she will not be disingenuous.
She can break down and say things that she herself does not believe, but, noticing that she has caused pain, she will rush to heal the "wounds". —
So, they have three common enemies: lies, boredom and anger. These two are so similar! Proud. Bold. Generous. Impulsive. Passionate. Independent. Idealistic. And very vulnerable, painfully sensitive to coldness and indifference. When they overcome their childish egoism, nothing will separate them. Mars and Jupiter are a powerful combination.
aries man
sagittarius woman
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