aries man and scorpio woman
Aries Man - Scorpio Woman
Can I make a valuable astrological suggestion to an Aries who is considering a Scorpio woman? Get out Ibsen's "Hedda Gabler" and read between the lines. Hedda was clearly a Scorpio, and the description of her sometimes inexplicable behavior will prepare him for all the unexpected, although his chosen one may not be such a typical Scorpio. It is always better to prepare for the worst, even if you hope for the best. Forewarned is forearmed, and with a Scorpio it never hurts.Scorpios act without warning their intentions.
If she lets the air out of her tires when he won't let her drive his car, or accidentally cuts the telephone cord when he calls another girl, Aries, who understands the Scorpio desire for secret rebellion, accompanied by sudden retribution, will find life with this woman not so terrible.
It is precisely these qualities of hers that can create tension in a love relationship. Aries can be driven to a frenzy of actions that he would easily forgive if this action were not so carefully thought out in advance.
Aries do not like unpleasant surprises and simply lose their temper when they discover intrigue. Normal tantrums he can handle, but secrets... Add to that her talent for calmly turning away before he can try to defend himself, and you can see why he can gradually become an aggressive, mad shadow-fighter, striking blindly and never getting satisfaction. Throwing a punch in the back, then backing off and refusing to even notice him or listen to his angry screams is not the way to deal with an Aries.
In fact, if Aries only lets her win or lets him believe that she has won, he will protect his "ego" from useless conflicts with this woman. This is the only way to get along with a Scorpio woman - simply allow her to pay back and never mention it again. One of the beautiful rewards of Aries' maturity will be a gradual and definitely deeper respect for him.
He can always remind himself that this woman is as loyal to the man she loves as she is to not allow anyone to step on her scorpion tail. When a woman with a Sun, Moon, or Ascendant in Scorpio falls in love, she is ready to sacrifice everything: friends, family, career, reputation. She will not hesitate for a second to show open contempt for anyone who tries to stand in the way of their shared happiness, cast a shadow on their love, or to harm her man in any way. Aries needs all the love or nothing - that is how Scorpios love.
An Aries man who has only recently become emotionally attached to this woman will probably think that the above is unfair to his dear beloved . That's because he has imagined retaliatory attacks followed by instant retreats, like the Black Widow spider. How can a soft-spoken, soft-spoken, feminine woman be like the Black Widow ? Of course not. And here's the point. Her Plutonian revenge tactics do not resemble the plot of a vampire movie. She is not Frankenstein's bride. She is sweet, rather timid, quiet and sensitive. But after the wedding, he will understand . He will get a graphic astrological lesson when he tells her, "I wish you would go to the hairdresser and change your hairdo. My business partner and his wife are coming to dinner tomorrow night, and your hair is as old-fashioned as grandma's chest of drawers." (Aries, who rules the first astrological house, is always concerned about his appearance and the appearance of his loved ones. Almost as actively as Leo.) The Scorpio woman will not shout at him in rage, she will smile pleasantly and answer: "Of course, dear." She will be a perfect angel of femininity when he appears in the evening with his precious partner and his twice-precious spouse. Her voice will be velvety warm and soulful when she whispers to him in the bedroom: "Darling, you will apologize, won't you? I have a terrible headache and I am not capable of meeting anyone right now."
He can scream back that she has ruined his career and rage as much as he likes. She has already closed her eyes and placed an ice pack on her head, still smiling brightly, leaving him alone with his hungry guests.
You see? It's not like a vampire movie at all. Just a sweet lady with a headache who is terribly sorry that everything turned out this way.
The Aries man is knowledgeable and brave when he understands the situation, but he cannot successfully resist a type of thinking that is inaccessible to him. In the end, however, he will mature emotionally. Although it is not easy to love a Scorpio, it will soften the fierce personality of Aries and open his eyes to his own selfishness, haste, and overly impulsive speech. If he really loves her, she can teach him a lot, and he her too.
The sexual attraction between Aries and Scorpio is instantaneous, simply magnetic and can bring them constant satisfaction. Their physical connection will never be indifferent and superficial. Sex combined with love is what Scorpio needs. Aries is looking for the same thing, trying to reach his vague ideal. He must win, and she will allow him to do this, but she will never be passive. A strong emotional response simultaneously with the thirst for physical satisfaction, the desire to give herself - the highest goal for this man in a sexual union, because he is looking for a real woman, not a doll, but not a leader either. Deep down, he is a masculine, but at the same time pure and innocent Adam, and she is a seductive and mysterious Eve. Unless one of them is particularly influenced by Mars or Venus (which with these two can lead to various forms of masochism and sadism), then in bed there will be no doubt who is the man and who is the woman. The Scorpio woman can sometimes, if he has thoughtlessly hurt her, refuse him intimacy in order to take revenge, but in vain, since this can easily turn him into an unfaithful, and therefore selfish lover. Scorpio dives into the unknown to learn and then keep the secret. Aries recklessly dives into the pool to discover the truth and find happiness, and then share them openly and generously. This is a significant difference, which can only be overcome by mutual trust and the ability to forgive. When he carelessly gives free rein to his emotions, he can hurt her, and she has a hard time forgetting the pain, although it may not show outwardly. And still, it is better for Aries to remain himself: she wants him to be true to himself, although, most likely, he will never admit it.
aries man
scorpio woman
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