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aries man and libra woman



Aries Man - Libra Woman

It is usually not difficult for a Libra girl to convince an Aries man to open his heart to her. He is plasticine in her sweet hands, and Aries, you know, are never like that in anyone else's hands. They are made of iron and steel (metals are also associated with the Sun sign). But next to a Libra woman, he will melt like a snowman in July. He cannot resist her charms also because she praises his amazing qualities, which, as it seems to him, others always ignore. He cannot resist her irresistible sexual appeal, her feminine charm (this is at the beginning, while there are no surprises yet). Besides, she may be beautiful, like most Libra women, her smile is charming, and every Aries man loves to have such a girlfriend or wife that others envy him. He needs to be proud of the woman he loves, to show her off and brag about her. He wants her to always be better and more beautiful than other women, so that it would be clear: he won the first prize at the love party (you remember, Aries sucked in this desire to win with their mother's milk). Since she is probably taller than many other women, brighter, more attractive, has a beautiful figure, and so on, this woman will meet all the requirements of Mars, and the beginning of their love will not be overshadowed by anything.

But later on, the Libra woman who loves an Aries man can often lose her balance, for she is on the verge of neurosis every time she is forced to act immediately, and she is not yet quite sure what she wants. Because of this, there will be unstable periods in their relationship. This man demands that everything be done now, immediately, yesterday, even if he has only just decided what he wants. “Do you want me to do it today, dear, or can I do it tomorrow?” - whether it concerns taking his favorite sweater to the dry cleaners, or printing a copy of his address book so that he will have an extra copy in case he loses it. (He is constantly losing things.) “Today,” he will tell her. (If he wanted it tomorrow, he would ask her tomorrow.)

This inconsistent and impatient Mars thinking can confuse her delicate Venus soul. She may ask, "Would it be wiser to plan ahead or try to do something tomorrow?" - only to hear him shout, "Don't argue with me! Just do as I say, please." If he has a gentler Moon sign or Ascendant, he will add "please"; if not, he will simply give his orders, without the slightest thought that he is being selfish. I know one Libra woman who gave her Aries husband a handmade gift for his birthday. It was a picture of velvet and satin in Mars's fiery reds, with the words embroidered on it: "Lord, grant me the gift of patience, but quickly." The husband was delighted. This is one of the good old traits of the typical Aries. He can laugh at himself and seldom gets angry if his mistakes are pointed out gently, without harsh criticism. But they have to be pointed out constantly. After Aries has admitted how selfish he is, feels guilty , ashamed, apologized and promised not to do it again, he immediately does it again, and again, and again. The typical Mars-ruled man has no difficulty apologizing . It is one of his most pleasant traits. Aries will quickly admit to a mistake and realize his guilt, but will not give up a bad habit. Still, it is a beautiful quality to be able to admit your mistakes and try to correct them. He tries. Not always successfully, but God knows he tries.

She apologizes easily, too. Like Aries, Libra tends to admit her mistakes and ask for forgiveness. In fact, she may be too ready to admit mistakes, that is, to decide that what she did or decided was wrong. She worries if she hurts his feelings by doing or saying something wrong, and she tries to make amends gracefully. This she will have to do often, because he is hypersensitive. He wants everyone to love him: family, friends, strangers, and, of course, the woman he has (which is how he thinks of her - as a special, delightful, precious, long-awaited gift that he found hand-made on Christmas morning). Aries men can be extremely self-centered, without even realizing it. She will gradually understand this, but first her more subtle feelings of Venus will be seriously hurt more than once. She will try with all the logic and persuasion of Libra to make him understand that not every person in the world can love him. But her Aries will ignore it.

He wonders why his enemies do not admire him, never realizing what he did or said that made them so angry. They could have realized that he was right and did not mean to hurt anyone. He was only defending himself. Why can't they see that he regrets his hasty words and has already forgotten his anger? Aries believes that people forget bad things as quickly as he does. It always hurts him deeply when someone sulks or grumbles about something he has long forgotten. His enemies today are his bosom friends tomorrow. He can run home furiously, hoping that his Libra friend will share his anger. If she tries to look at what happened soberly and wants to know the opponent's point of view, and then tries to point out to her husband or lover Aries where he might have been wrong, he will pounce on her, sometimes furiously and even with tears, and accuse her of treachery. She does not love him! If she did, she would be on his side, and not defend his enemies! He is not interested in her justice, typical of Libra. The only correct point of view is his... and if she really took him into account, she would see it. While Aries is angry, he cannot judge anything objectively. The next day he will probably be a real lamb, admit his hot-temperedness and try to smooth over his stupidity. Now she could say that he was wrong, because he has already realized it himself. But there is no time. By nature, the Venus-ruled woman is more capable than others of balancing the delicate situations that her Aries lover creates with his unbridled character. She is gentle, feminine, logical, intelligent. But she, born under a male sign, may one day resist, when she feels that he is completely unfair. However, this is unlikely to change him; he will either leave, slamming the door, or will frown angrily in the corner, convinced that she hates him. The Libra woman is better off not showing him an iron fist in a velvet glove. Aries will soon feel that he is being controlled. For a while, however, he allows this to happen, but as soon as he finds that they are trying to squeeze him into some kind of behavior pattern, he either digs his horns into the wall, or gets angry, and sometimes both. No one should tell him what to do, he is his own boss! Even when he seriously intends to do something, he will rather abandon his plans if he thinks that she really wants it. And all because he cannot stand to do what another suggests, especially if the wish is expressed openly.

The fact that the Libra woman loves to argue, discuss any decision or situation, will not stop the typical Aries man. He sees this as opposition, a challenge. He would die of boredom with a woman who never defended herself from him. His Mars nature is excited by the promise of a battle, regardless of whether they are talking about what movie to watch, what car to buy, or discussing global problems. He needs to win all these arguments. He will not give in one iota until he is sure that he has not won (or until his clever Libra girlfriend allows him to believe it). Then he is proud, contented and happy. And she will have the love, passion and tenderness that any woman dreams of.

Sex in this man's mind is closely connected with his ability to be always right and to appear victorious before the woman he loves. He must be respected, loved, agreed with and admired, and then he will properly show the full power of Mars as a lover. If he feels rejected, he will turn to ice, and this is already more serious than the fire of Aries. Their sexual connection is usually unusually strong and integral. Her femininity and his masculinity go well together as long as the Libra woman does not allow the male half of her Sun sign to interfere in their intimate life (for example, by showing that her abilities are no worse than his). He must lead in their intimacy, as, indeed, in everything else. If she allows it, he will be the most sensual, romantic, sentimental, loving and passionate lover she can imagine. But he can turn into a demanding tyrant if she destroys his super-necessary self-confidence.

This is unlikely to happen unless her Moon or Ascendant is in Virgo, Sagittarius, Cancer, or Capricorn. Although their natures are polar opposites , the characters of a man ruled by Mars and a woman ruled by Venus combine in the most exquisite way. Besides, Mars and Venus themselves were passionately in love with each other (even when she was married to Jupiter). Read Greek mythology. It will help you better understand the Sun signs.

Considering that Aries loves to gallop along rocky slopes, and the child of Venus lives in the precarious world of swinging golden scales, where the slightest breath of wind can rob her of her inner harmony and outer peace, these two can combine their very different natures with amazing success. The Libra woman will find intoxicating freedom and active mental activity with the help of this man, and the Aries will enjoy walking through the cool forests of Libra, among the swaying bells and fluttering butterflies.

The Libra woman is very feminine. Only a few men can cope with this powerful combination of masculine determination and delightful sophistication. But the Aries man always accepts any challenge and wins, and her challenges promise the winner a precious reward. All men are boys at heart, but Aries is especially so. Purely outwardly, there is nothing childish about him. He is strong and powerful - the type of a male, and only the aura of impossible dreams and thoughtful longing evokes a feeling of youth... If the Libra woman uses her Venus charm and patience to direct his flaming aspirations and amazing energy to one worthy goal, he can become a great fighter for the victory of good (both of them have a strong sense of mercy and hate any injustice).

The main reason for the difficulties in their relationship will be that they are both Cardinal signs of leadership - both Aries and Libra. Such a combination will never be a union if there is a constant battle between them for primacy. They will have to learn to walk side by side, as equals, and not as superior and inferior. This is the only way for them to find the way to each other's hearts.
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