aries man and taurus woman
Aries Man - Taurus Woman
This couple's love affair or marriage has a better chance of success than the relationship of an Aries woman and a Taurus man. Of course, this does not mean that their union will necessarily be strong, but there is hope.Passivity, stubbornness and calm perception (Taurus) are more natural when it comes to a woman.
Aggression, independence and forceful pressure (Aries) are more inherent in a man.
Let's not talk about emancipation; Mother Nature knows what she's doing.
In any case, this couple may have fewer conflicts.
Nevertheless, it is the intensity of conflicts, not their frequency, that destroys any connections, so these two should not relax.
It all depends largely on the positions of the Moon and the Ascendant of each of them.
A Taurus woman, if the fourth astrological house in her horoscope is not very tense, is born a housewife (thank God that someone likes it).
Even if there are oppositions in her birth chart, because of which she will seek entertainment in her youth (quite a rare case), her main desire, however, is to create a cozy home, full of children and music, furnished with good furniture, perfectly clean, where everything is in its place, the linen is ironed and laid out on the shelves, the refrigerator is full of food, and in a special drawer there are bills paid on time.
She is not unreasonably jealous , she needs a serious reason. She is patient and rarely objects. She is usually an attentive, gracious hostess to her husband's colleagues and a surprisingly grateful listener.
And since the Aries man needs a constant and reliable audience when he talks about his favorite topic, since he often brings people home to charm them with a new idea or a project that has taken shape in his dreams , and since he is somewhat careless when it comes to budgeting because he never learned the meaning of the word "thrift" in school , in this respect the Taurus woman is ideal for him.
Usually, an Aries man loves sports, and a typical Taurus woman loves nature, and if his favorite sport turns out to be tourism, add another plus to the possible development of their, relationship.
Of course, if he loves football, everything will be much more complicated.
Difficulties can also arise where the partners have not experienced disagreements before.
A Taurus woman may want to move to the village or to the suburbs, and most Aries men cannot imagine themselves without city fever.
There are few who can leave the city, but they also love to spend weekends among bright lights.
Even when hiking or wandering through the woods.
Aries does not feel like a farm boy at heart. If he has the Moon or Ascendant in Taurus, he may plant potatoes or milk cows, but for him, digging in the soil will never replace the desire to rush in a car to find happiness.
Sparks may fly when solving financial issues, because they are used to handling money differently. He wants a new car, she wants a new refrigerator, etc.
His favorite department at the bank is the loan department, hers is the savings department.
However, if he starts spending money on jewelry for her or on furniture for the home, she will be less stingy.
Taurus women usually appreciate beautiful jewelry and luxurious furnishings, but they would like these things to be reliable, designed to last at least a few centuries.
Her usual calmness can be replaced by anger if he burns her new couch or spills grape juice on the carpet.
And Aries is unlikely to be able to understand why such trifles upset her so much.
He will not waste time and nerves crying over spilled milk (or grape juice).
If something is lost, broken or damaged, it can always be replaced with a new one.
Taurus is unlikely to agree with this.
Fortunately, most of their differences are forgotten as soon as they cross the threshold of the bedroom, since the physical connection brings both secret satisfaction. Of course, the Aries man will not be disappointed by the Taurus woman's capacity for sensual, erotic love, but he may be somewhat discouraged by the fact that she does not throw a veil of secrecy over her love.
She treats sex as a practical and joyful opportunity to reward her feelings and also to give birth to children.
Therefore, she is unlikely to understand why sex should be associated with an unbridled dream that can transport the souls of lovers to the top of Tibet, or a comet swirl across the night sky.
For her, sex is sex, and love is love.
This woman approaches sex with a touch of irony, because Taurus's sense of humor is not tied to any one area of his life.
It is distinguished by its breadth.
If an Aries man accidentally steps on a nail when, burning with passion, he goes to bed during their honeymoon, she will burst out laughing.
And he, choking on resentment, can spend several nights in the next room until his male pride is restored.
Nevertheless, despite the fact that she may be puzzled by his romantic idealism, this does not at all indicate their sexual incompatibility.
There are deep emotional sources in the Taurus woman, and it is quite possible that her femininity and sheer pleasure will make him see for a while that it is not necessary to fly off to the heights in search of love, and that earthly pleasures are also full of delight.
A word of caution: the fact that the Taurus woman is not inclined to respond to any manifestation of Aries's sexuality does not mean that she is not sensitive or not romantic.
She has both.
Or almost certainly she does.
If he has forgotten the day they first met (or decided to get married), the inattentive, forgetful Ram will certainly face angry reproaches.
This woman has a brilliant memory when it comes to her personal affairs.
Some astrological descriptions represent the Taurus woman as a contented cow in a pasture, and this is simply insulting.
So what if she does not show strong feelings and is the center of attention at a party? Her quiet beauty is like a quiet lake in the depths of a pine forest, in which lilies are fragrant.
The magnetism of Taurus strongly touches the strings of men's hearts, because it promises an unusually calm and luxurious adventure, and the strings of the Ram's heart especially.
The Aries man soon discovers that this woman, who is so calm and balanced (these are the qualities he would secretly like to see in himself), is able to fill his soul with the scent of fresh flowers, and his home with the music of love and friendship, not to mention that she is a wonderful cook.
In addition, she can give him joy and undisguised adoration for life.
She also knows how to save and save money.
This girl does not stoop to petty reproaches, like mosquito bites.
She is an exceptionally spiritual woman and does not need a masquerade to prove it.
Love, ambition, honesty and a guarantee of financial stability are the four ways to her heart.
The Aries man can easily provide for the first three, but he will have to change his lifestyle a little to meet her expectations for the last one.
Aries's income is often unstable, and this irritates the Taurus woman.
Possessing sufficient endurance, she becomes nervous when her emotional and financial stability are threatened.
In most other cases, she radiates a peaceful calm, which serves as a wonderful release for the Ram.
This is also very important in their relationship, since Aries is often capable of mental, emotional and physical breakdowns.
(The Aries man will push until he falls.)
When the Taurus woman has one of her rare fits of rage, her calmness can give way to anger of volcanic proportions, and she forgets all caution.
But this happens so rarely that it can hardly be a serious reason for the complication of their relationship, unless the Ram is so crazy as to insist on his victory in these infrequent, dangerous clashes.
He had better give in, for an attempt to win in this case is equivalent to an attempt to stop an earthquake.
aries man
taurus woman
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