virgo man and aquarius woman
Virgo Man — Aquarius Woman
One thing can be said for sure about this couple: a lifelong Contract will not be concluded until there is true love between them, due to the special mutual arrangement of the Moon and planets in their horoscopes.This rule does not apply to all models of the Sun signs.
Other couples can be content with respect and sympathy, secretly dreaming of "great love". But not Virgo and Aquarius.
Only a special, deep feeling can make Virgo share her life with someone, to give up her saving loneliness.
The famous singer Maurice Chevalier, a Virgo according to the horoscope, had an extraordinary sexual charm until the end of his life.
He was engaged only once. This relationship broke off after a year, and Chevalier no longer allowed a woman to take too serious a place in his life.
As for Aquarius, they do not stop searching for love, easily breaking off old relationships for the sake of new ones, until they find their ideal.
Quite often they seek a repetition of youthful love and cling so stubbornly to the past that it interferes with the present.
Some Aquarius girls behave provocatively, make salty jokes.
This is an attempt to shock a man, disturb his emotional balance, attract attention to themselves with unexpected and strange behavior.
Most likely, a Virgo man will be offended by vulgar language, too free behavior of a woman.
Do not forget that Virgos are chaste from birth.
Do not rush to conclude that Aquarius girls are vulgar.
They are simply usually more frank and sincere than their sisters (except Sagittarius). They are independent, unpredictable and crazy.
The older generation must remember Tallulah Backhead, who smoked cigarettes and appeared in front of journalists completely naked, not taking into account the fact that her father was the speaker of the Parliament.
And the pretty, soft-voiced Elena Gurley Brown has raised the popularity of the loss-making Cosmopolitan magazine to the limit by publishing for the first time a photograph of male nudists on an insert.
Aquarius women despise public opinion and gossip, submitting only to their own ideas of honor and decency.
Even the quietest and most obedient of them often stun those around them. A humble woman and a homebody suddenly leaves her husband to become a dancer, an artist, or an actress.
Neither Virgo nor Aquarius blindly obey physical attraction. Once in love, they are in no hurry to get closer to the object of their desires. They retreat for a while, take refuge in the depths of their "I".
Because they are both afraid of what they so strongly desire.
Both avoid marriage if possible.
However, Aquarius, once the choice has been made, rushes headlong into marriage, while Virgo waits until the last minute. This can give rise to quarrels.
They say that tenderness is a feminine quality, but if a man is tender, he surpasses a woman in this.
This is absolutely true for Virgo. The tenderness of this man is almost tangible tangibly, permeates his entire relationship with a woman.
Many daughters of Eve find this quality precious in a lover and husband.
But the Aquarius woman prefers that every experience be fleeting, that tenderness alternate with rough passion, and that frantic possession be replaced by painfully slow languid. Her lover should keep this obsession with novelty in mind.
The Virgo man is disgusted by the rudeness and intemperance of a caveman. It is difficult for him to step over himself.
His beloved should not expect that he will change his lovemaking technique every night.
It is also useful for her to remember that modesty, purity and moderation kindle passion in him much more reliably than rude familiarity.
Aquarius's thoughts perform incomprehensible somersaults and somersaults. This often infuriates Virgo. You say that the plate is poorly washed, and she talks some nonsense about aliens.
The word "plate" gave an unusual impetus to her thoughts.
And these questions of Aquarius...
They ask one thing, but want to know something completely different.
For example, they separated for a while, to think things over calmly and choose between a final breakup and reconciliation. She writes to him: "I hope that no matter what happens, we will remain friends, don't you, dear?"
Of course, the Virgo man has studied her too well to take her literally.
And if he wants her back, he will answer firmly and unequivocally: "No, we cannot remain friends.
There must be love between us, or nothing.
You know this and were just trying to find out if I knew it, didn't you, dear?"
virgo man
aquarius woman
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