Someone, somewhere
is made for you...

cancer man and pisces woman



Cancer Man - Pisces Woman

The telepathic connection between all lovers is always strong, but if these man and woman were born under the signs of Water, there is nothing surprising in this.

It is good if they feel it when they are happy: it is an amazing, unlike anything else like bliss.

However, in bad times, when they part for a while (and if there are no deep contradictions between their horoscopes, such couples rarely part for long), in these dark periods their mutual attraction seems more like a curse than bliss.

They are tormented by memories, and, what is worst of all, each of them knows what the other is doing or thinking.

When these two quarrel, each tries to prove something, if not to impress, to the other half. Since Cancer and Pisces are good at pretending , the performances they put on for each other can be truly dramatic .

Especially considering the fact that the Pisces girl and her Crab have exceptional imaginations. Her Neptunian and his Lunar ability for fantasy sometimes lead to the fact that the truth is colored in deceptive tones, and everything gets even more confusing.

Every Cancer man likes to be coddled.

It's really that simple.

If he was brought up in such a way that he buys his own socks, gets out of a critical situation with honor, washes the dishes and is generally independent in emotional and other relationships, and all this time he is tenderly loved , then when a woman comes along who loves him and marries him, he will expect her to be gentle and faithful, and he, in turn, will bear the burden of his responsibilities at home and take his share of the blame, because in very close relationships, disagreements occur from time to time.

But these two will live happily ever after, as Hans Christian Andersen promised.

However, if in childhood he was spoiled by his mother, then he is absolutely sure that the woman he loves will spoil him too.

Loving him tenderly and devotedly is a given, but also buying him socks, not asking him to do some of the housework, cooking for him, being his slave, adoring and worshiping him, telling him he is right even when he is wrong, protecting him from his enemies, supporting him morally, and never asking him to bear the burden of responsibility for any quarrels that may break out between them.

Luckily, the Pisces girl has everything she needs for this, and she will cope with it, though this may mean that she will sacrifice her personality and lifestyle more than she should.

Her own desires will take second place, and it will be she who will find a way to reconciliation after a quarrel and smooth out all the rough edges. Thanks to her amazing humility, compassionate heart and sincere need to make others happy, and selflessly, she will not only cope with this herself, but will also gradually and very gently manage to instill in him that he should treat her as a person who has feelings and who also needs understanding.

If she neglects this gradual suggestion and accustoming him to the fact that she has her own personal needs, she will find herself in a difficult situation, crossing that invisible line that separates humility and masochism, obedience and martyrdom.

There is another type of Crab. Perhaps at some point he lost his parents, or maybe his parents were too busy to give him the attention that every little Cancer needs. Or maybe his mother was too cold and he lacked tangible love like a fairy tale, hugs and goodnight kisses on the nose. Maybe he grew up in poverty and every night he was kept awake by the voices of adults arguing about money and how to make ends meet, and this made him feel subconsciously guilty for being an extra expense for them - simply because he was, existed and was born at all. If this is the childhood story of the Cancer man she loves, she will have a difficult time.

She will have to become his psychologist, psychiatrist, best friend, mother and father all in one, not to mention his lover, and the living embodiment of the image of motherhood, raised to a pedestal. A pure angel who will not turn away from him, even if he behaves like a true devil.

In short, she will have to heal all his wounds of yesterday with inexhaustible patience and compassion, until one fine day he wakes up and discovers that he has finally, without noticing, gained faith in himself.

Only then will he be able to love her as selflessly as she loves him.

This is the immutable law of human nature: you must first love and learn to respect yourself in order to be able to truly love another.

A Pisces girl will not be afraid of whatever type of Cancer man she finds in the one she loves.

Unraveling the secrets of human relationships is something that comes easier to her than other people from birth. Patiently and calmly solving her problems is another of her Neptunian talents.

She does not allow difficulties to upset her too much.

She understands that only inner peace gives the strength to easily overcome obstacles if you follow the path of your hopes and aspirations. She will do everything to remove obstacles in her path.

Can you do more? Continuing to worry about something that you have already spent all your energy on is wasted energy, and Pisces do not like to walk in circles.

Sometimes she falls into depression, but almost always soon returns to her positive fatalist conviction, becoming cheerful and serene again. "Positive fatalism" sounds like something inconsistent, but it is not. It simply means that you resign yourself to what is inevitable and trust to fate, which is wiser than you.

In addition to this Neptune instinct, she has excellent intuition: she unerringly sees the sparkle of a diamond before it is polished. Of course, her imagination helps her in this.

She can also see all the virtues of the Crab she loves, guess in him those possibilities that should be in the person given to you for the rest of your life.

She feels comfortable around him because he is neither aggressive nor too dangerous (except for his black Mondays and Fridays, which come and go when the moon phases change). There is a softness in him that touches her, and at the same time a firmness in the pursuit of a goal and a clear sense of responsibility.

All this gives her confidence in the future, in his devotion and in her own feminine power.

His closeness gives her a feeling of calm and confidence. He makes her laugh and cry... he tells charming stories... he is witty and talented and he is that very mixture of reliability and unpredictability that can make life interesting, preventing love from becoming first a habit and from turning into something banal. In addition, he is a wonderful lover.

He can read her mind (as well as she can read his) and always seems to know when she most dreams of escaping with him, into their closed-to-stranger world of passion and shared intimate secrets.

The problem of physical compatibility can arise between them only if he makes her withdraw into herself, becoming cold and indifferent for a while. And this happens when he is too focused on his unaccountable fears and anxieties, forgetting how much he needs her. But she will respond, opening up to him when it is his time to be tender.

Or he can sometimes hide in a shell of feigned boredom from her sarcasm or determination (especially after a quarrel). A Pisces woman is so rarely stern and "decisive" that the very fact of this can cause the sensitive Crab to become depressed!

But these are all such little things in life, because in the end the strong magnetism between Cancer and Pisces will still bring them back to each other.

Both of them are tenacious, each in their own way, and if the Crab simply does not want to let go of what belongs to him, the tenacity of the Pisces woman is the desire to keep the main thing, because failures come and go, but love remains. She encourages herself by the fact that any dark streak will be replaced by a bright one. And if you keep what you have now, love will still become a source of happiness when the time comes to pick the fruits from the tree of knowledge.
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