aries man and leo woman
Aries Man - Leo Woman
It is not easy to live with a Leo woman, and often it is simply impossible to cope with her. She can be proud, deaf to everything, vain, selfish and arrogant.But she can also be a strong, lively, kind and generous woman, if no one challenges and respects her obvious superiority.
Although she does not give in so easily, with an Aries man who knows how not to hurt her dignity and who makes it clear to her how much he admires her, she will be unexpectedly pliable.
No one who knows her will believe that this is possible.
Astrology practically guarantees harmony and happiness in the relationship between these two Sun signs, especially if the combination of their luminaries is favorable. In this case, it can truly be said that theirs is a match made in heaven.
Even when the Sun-Moon aspect in their comparative horoscope is inharmonious, these two will treat each other quite tolerantly.
He will not rebel against her extravagance, as a man born under any other Sun sign would.
In fact, he will even encourage it.
Of course, Leo women do not like to be told that they are extravagant or immoderate. They will tell you that they are distinguished by rare thriftiness, and in a sense, some of them really are thrifty. Leos can be practical, but they seem to go crazy when it comes to luxury items, that is, they are often wise when it comes to petty expenses and crazy in big ones.
The Aries man usually goes crazy in both large and small expenses.
If each of them has a "generous" Moon sign or Ascendant, contradictions are unlikely to arise, but even if this is not the case, sooner or later they will show their Sun sign essence in gestures of nobility.
Both love to give and receive gifts.
It is not surprising that an Aries man who loves a Leo woman will help her live with her inherent pride and dignity.
He is sure that she should act like a queen.
(This will also make him feel like a true winner who managed to get her.) While the Ram assumes that other women should wait for him and are created only to satisfy his desires, with this woman the softer sides of his nature will appear, and he will be attentive to her desires. Perhaps he puts her on a pedestal in order to then conquer and gain her royal favor, but more likely, he truly feels that she is worthy of worship because she is so special... So like him!
Disagreements arise between them, of course.
But the clash of desires of these Fire signs is seasoned with excitement and that spiritual uplift that compensates for everything. The periodic clashes between the Lioness and the Aries do not allow them to treat love as something self-evident, which can eventually become boring and uninteresting. These lovers experience an initial need for periodic recharging of their passion.
The Aries man often makes great efforts to achieve the goal and, perhaps, will be so focused on the object of his desires that he will cease to sufficiently express admiration for his lady. When the Lioness feels that she is underestimated, she becomes cold and indifferent.
She either forgets that she is a woman, paying no attention to her appearance (a sad and disturbing symptom of her inner depression), or, on the contrary, focuses excessive efforts on being attractive, openly arousing the interest of other men. But there has not yet been born an Aries who would calmly react to flirting or even more so to actual betrayal of his woman. The slightest suggestion of infidelity will entail a wild scene of jealousy. If their relationship is strong, this, perhaps, will even be useful.
Both are quite jealous.
But from time to time, one or the other may get the idea that it would be funny to tickle the lover's nerves by pretending that he (or she) is interested in someone else.
What happens between these two Fire signs as a result is usually as "funny" as trying to tickle an angry gorilla.
The Leo woman needs to be told often how much and why she is loved.
In this case, she will not be too suspicious of what he does outside the home.
The Ram, who spoils his majestic girlfriend, will not regret it.
She can be quite demanding, but it is not so terrible.
If she were neglected, life would turn into hell. When this woman decides that she is being ignored, she will begin to attach undue importance to trifles.
The spontaneous Aries behaves in the same way. With great irritation, feigned or real, he can make almost childish demands and take offense at everything when he thinks that he is not loved enough or is not paid enough attention to. The realization of someone's ingratitude can cause fiery anger in Aries, and icy resentment in Leo.
In both of them, there lives a hypertrophied desire for admiration and at the same time the need for self-respect. When they find a lack of flattery in the world around them, which is rare, they begin to give this value to each other to make up for it.
In terms of sex, they are unusually well suited to each other. The mutual desire for unsuppressed passion in lovemaking is softened by a mutual desire for tender sensitivity.
Although both are true lovers, they are also idealists.
A gentle kiss on the cheek is as important for both her and him as more sensual expressions of sexual passion.
The Aries man can combine in his character an excess of sentimentality and flame, which always evokes reciprocal feelings in the Leo woman.
If anything mars their idyllic sexual relations, it is the flares of her past passions.
In a Leo woman, old feelings never die.
The coals continue to smolder after years, not because she wants to renew the old romance, but because she is sorry to part with the memory of the departed worship and admiration.
These memories never fade.
If he stumbles upon one of the love letters that she often keeps and rereads from time to awaken romantic sentiments, he will be almost as offended and furious as if he caught her with a man.
He may reproachfully inquire whether her past hobbies are still alive.
Since she will necessarily brag a little, he will lose his cherished illusion that he is the only man capable of conquering her, and the loss of such illusion can seriously shake their sexual harmony.
The Aries man must be a winner in the game of love, as in any other game.
He also likes to be noticed at parties, and therefore he cannot help but notice all the women who look at him with admiring interest.
(Rames are not selfish, they are just sometimes frivolous.) What then?
How can you ask!
Remember, the Lioness wants everyone to know how much the man she allowed to love her adores her. It is extremely stupid of him to humiliate her in front of others, even with the most innocent intentions, because this woman will not tolerate an attack on her dignity. She has no doubt that her lover or husband admires her, but it is important to her that others know it too.
Let him just try to peel an orange for another woman in front of people, and his cheerful, sunny and tender girlfriend will immediately turn into a hissing cat or, even worse, into a gloomy statue - the embodiment of icy condemnation. And when they are alone, a stormy scandal will break out.
But before her tears have time to dry, they will make peace.
And he will tell her again how dear she is to him, and she will tell him how she needs him, and both will agree once again that there is nothing more important in the world than their love and friendship. Because the Ram and the Lioness are endowed with the most blessed gift of the gods - the ability to be not only lovers, but also friends. They can take turns inflicting unexpected insults on each other, but at the same time they trust each other completely.
Of all the Solar signs, only Aries and Leo are endowed with such a wonderful property.
The impulsive, impetuous Aries will find a cozy home in the heart of the Leo woman. She will bestow royalty on him, and in return he will present her with ... himself, all of himself - something that he had never given to anyone until he met her.
aries man
leo woman
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