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Nowhere (tur. Niğde - pronounced "nide") - silt in southern Turkey. The name Nigde goes back to the name of the city in ancient times Nakita (Nakhita), which in turn comes from the Hittite name na-hi-ti-ia, first mentioned in the inscription of the Luvian king Saruanis. Il Nigde borders Kayseri in the east, Mersin in the south, Adana in the southeast, Aksaray in the west, Nevsehir in the north, Konya in the southwest. The province of Nigde is surrounded on three sides by the Taurus mountain range with Mount Hassan and the Melendiz River. To the west lies the Emena plain with fertile soil, thanks to which the province of Nigde has developed agriculture, especially the production of apples and potatoes. The climate is dry and cold, with snow and cold northerly winds in winter and almost no rain in summer.
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