Afyonkarahisar il dating
Dating in Afyonkarahisar il.

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Afyonkarahisar il is a region of Turkey famous for its thermal springs and fragrant poppy seeds. Perhaps it is here, among the mountain peaks and narrow streets of ancient Afyon, that you will meet your love. Here, where natural beauty meets Turkish tradition, your romantic encounters can be especially memorable.
Afyonkarahisar (tur. Afyonkarahisar, Armenian Շապին - Գարահիսար) is a silt in western Turkey.
Il Afyonkarahisar borders with silts: in the east - Konya, in the north - Eskisehir, in the west - Kutahya, Usak and Denizli, in the south - Burdur and Isparta.
On the territory of the silt there are the sources of the rivers Big Menderes (Aegean Sea basin) and Sakarya (Black Sea basin), but most of it is included in the basin of the inland salt lake Akshehir.
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