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Life-Changing Philosophy

21 Golden Rules of Good Relationships

Life-Changing Philosophy
What do you need to be in good relations with different people? There are simple rules that will help you with this. The only thing left is to follow these rules...
  1. Support and praise people at every opportunity (do not flatter, but sincerely praise). Your approval acts as an incentive for a person's moral growth.
  2. Never ridicule or humiliate anyone.
  3. Say only good things about a person. If you have nothing positive to say about another, it is better to remain silent.
  4. Be attentive to people's deeds, then you will always find a reason to praise others, and not flatter them.
  5. Focus on a person's positive qualities. If he is not yet noble and wise enough, then show him as such a person. And this person will definitely want to confirm this.
  6. You should not criticize people. If you nevertheless begin to criticize, then let it be addressed to his actions, and not to the person's personality.
  7. You should not constantly demonstrate your superiority over other people. This way you will only make enemies. If you want to be friends with people, then let them feel their own importance next to you.
  8. Always notice your own mistakes and guilt - and apologize.
  9. To be listened to, it is better to suggest than to give orders.
  10. Irritation - is a signal that a person needs help and support. Therefore, treat this state of people with understanding.
  11. Be a good listener and talk less.
  12. Sometimes let it be understood that a good idea came from another person. After all, it does not matter who was first, what is more important is what it can lead to.
  13. If you think that a person is wrong, then interrupting him will not stop him anyway. Until he speaks out, he will insist on his own.
  14. If you want to be able to stop any argument, then admit that you may be wrong. Then the cause of the conflict will disappear, and the argument will stop.
  15. to people more often without any reason. This will show that you do not wait for holidays, but want to please the person every day.
  16. If something irritates you, be patient, keep quiet, restrain your emotions. Do not cut everything off from the very beginning. Just let the person speak out, and you will pay attention to those moments that impress you. At the end of the conversation, inform your opponent that you will think about what was said.
  17. Make your motto: be interested in people, rather than arouse their interest.
  18. Smile.
  19. Address the person by their full name. It's much nicer than hearing a shortened name or some nickname. In this way you show respect for his personality.
  20. Try to end the conversation so that the person remains in a good mood.
  21. Learn to forgive.
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